Shit man!! Please don't let Chief or Colonel notice this, I pray while eating my favorite foods I haven't touched in ages. It feels like a sin even to look at them.

With my tongue enjoying the taste while each bite kills my heart and soul, I finish everything on that table. There is no way in hell Chief won't see the extra calories on me. I'll be dead the moment I step foot there. I'm so fucking screwed!

"Flynn, I'm done" I say while I know we have just started.

"Good. Get in the kitchen. I'm still left with some work but there is enough space for your fat ass to do Burpees."

I close my eyes and accept that I'm going to be dead soon.



The constant beep of the alarm clock makes me groan! My entire body is so sore! I wish the extra morning run started tomorrow. Since Father didn't say anything, it means it adds on to my schedule stat. And since my runs are supposed to get over by 8, I'll have to finish these extra miles before I report. Damn you little girl! You wasted my only chance of getting some rest.

Slamming the clock, I wake up and get dressed. I need my energy drink and some coffee if I don't want the cadets to see exactly what happened yesterday night. Sunday or not, they can't see me walking like a chicken.

When I don't find Flynn in the mess, I walk into the kitchen and rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating things. The kitchen feels like a furnace and super boss is dripping with sweat on the floor. I thought father had allowed him to sleep in.

Flynn hands me a coffee mug but says nothing. After a few gulps, I choke on the liquid and realization hits me. Boss is suffering because of me. When he gets his hands on me, I'm not going to live.

I look down to see him smiling maliciously back at me. So he knows that I know. Fuck! The debt with him is increasing like hell. At this rate, I would need to do a year under him and he would have the right to kill me daily. Why did he have to be my Superboss?! Damn boss! Did you really have to get this man as your boss?

Gulping back my coffee and protein shake, I run out of there knowing that I have barely enough time to warmup and finish my run.

"Major Wills, be back here after your run." Oh the hell!

"Yes, Flynn." I say in equal parts excitement and dread. Superboss getting screwed because of me is one thing but watching him getting screwed is completely different. The second one earns way more than the first.



Almost one and half hour of sweating in this kitchen and Flynn is nowhere close to letting me go. When dog entered, I cursed him and smile at all the things I'm going to be doing to him when I get my hands on him.

After he is gone, Flynn sits on the counter and the torture continues for another hour till dog is back sweaty. Oh the morning run! Colonel would have roasted his ass for my baby girl's performance. Proud of you, girl!

Flynn smiles with another burning arrow "How about a cup of tea?"

I take my chances. "I'm sorry. I was just joking. You are the best tea maker in the entire galaxy and universe. Flynn please."

"Do you put crack in it?"
Dog laughed loudly at the question.

"Are you out of your mind?"
I reply in a tone you'd hear when a sixteen year old boy is asked how many grandchildren he wants. Yeah. This question doesn't make sense either.

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