Chapter 22

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Ever since that night Lisa keeps on appearing on set, in the studio, or any other place we went for work just to fetch me and take me home. My manager and bandmates even greet her whenever they saw Lisa waiting.

We never talk inside the car though she tried opening random conversations but i always answer her with one word, just a nod or a shrug. She's really trying though.. that i could see.

Her presence always draw attention from both sexes. I noticed how people eyeing her as she stand and wait for me to finish work. Which irritates me at times cause she keeps on distracting me even when she's not doing anything.

"Jen when will you stop being so stubborn and give in ? You obviously still wanted her." Jackson said suddenly while we're preparing to shoot a new music video.

"What the hell are you saying?"

"Don't fucking lie to me. You're glaring at the girl talking to her for minutes." He said while looking at Lisa and the woman flirting openly to her.

She arrived earlier today and instead of dismissing her, YG invited her to watch the music video making as he stated that it wouldn't be convenient for her to go home and come back here again after several hours. If i know he's just kissing her rich ass.

As minutes passed this girl a starlet approached her and started a conversation with her. Their topic must be "that" interesting cause they've been talking for almost an hour now.

"I'm not glaring." Avoiding his gaze.

"You're not. You're killing her in your mind." He said back. Then i slapped his arm making him hiss. "Heyyy"

"You deserve it." Rolling my eyes.

"I'm saying the truth. I just don't want you to regret it later on.."

Just on cue I was called on set. Feeling relieved to escape from Jackson, I walked towards the director.

He told me to climb on the tank and shoot the underwear scene.

I immediately followed, removing my robe. I wore an ash gray  flowing gown that exposes my cleavage all the way to my navel with long shredded trails. Barefoot i climbed on the ladder while a crew on top was waiting for me. He helped me get up. Oxygen was provided at the side for me to take if I'll run out of air inside the tank.

"Okay Jen are you ready?" The director asked using his lapel.

I was able to see Lisa who stopped talking to the girl, stood up and went closer to Jackson's seat. She said something at him making him turn at her and he also responded.

Signaling the director.

"Alright Dive!" He said. And I did.

The tank was made of glass with metals at the edges making it look like I was really under the deep waters of the sea. Then my gown and hair floated as i submerged in the water, when my feet hit the metal floor, i look at the glass and saw the director counting reversed 1 to 10. Lisa seemed stiff as she stood with arms crossed on her chest and Jackson beside her, looking at me. Loud music reigned starting at my verse then the director give me the cue.

I maintained floating elegantly in the water while mouthing the lyrics of our song. My hair and the gown added an effect making it look more enchanting as I twist my body, swim up then forward almost touching the glass. My verse ended and the director signaled cut. I immediately swam up cause my chest are now burning due to the lack of oxygen. When suddenly I was pulled back down harshly  hitting my head on the metal floor. That's when i realized my gown was caught up with one of the screws of the metal.

Feeling the excruciating pain, i felt dizzy and my sight blurry. The water that used to be clear now has a shade of red.

Trying to move my arms and battle the darkness that wants to consume me.

I heard banging and splashing before i shut my heavy eyes.


Lisa's POV

I was worried at first when I saw the big tank that  they'll used for the video.

Not able to contain myself I asked Jackson if that tank was safe enough for Jennie and he pointed out the crew that is on top for standby and oxygen for her to use.

I wasn't convinced and still worried for her safety. 

My baby was so brave and confident when she dive right in the deep waters without hesitation. She looked so ethereal when her hair and gown floated slowly as the water caress it, like a siren luring her victims to the deep dark sea. She was amazing as she mouthed the lyrics of their song and moved like the goddess of the sea herself.

My worries were gone for a moment for I was enchanted by her. Falling ..madly ..deeply ..harder in love than i was before. Then suddenly my heart clenched and my throat gone dry as events turned into my worst nightmare.

It happened so fast as she tried to swim back up but was pulled down on the metal floor. Then red.. i saw red...

Without thinking i grabbed one of the metal rods on the set and slammed it on the glass tank repeatedly till it cracked and break. Sending the glass and water towards me but I didn't care.

All i could think about is her..

Praying and begging to God to keep her safe.. alive..

I couldn't bear the thought of losing her..

Just thinking about it makes me gone crazy..

If I lose her..I lose myself..


Jisoo's POV

Me and Rosé rushed to the hospital as Lisa called me, frantic as she explained what happened.

I saw my bestfriend pacing back and forth near the operating room.

"Lisa.." i called her. Then she abruptly turned to me and hugged me in relief. She was now sobbing as I caressed her back trying to calm her down. Rosé at my side looked pale, and unmoving.

Lisa's dark blue dress was wet sticking on her body, her hair was damped, she have scratches on her body and face, and even her dress were torn.

She cried for I don't know how long till Henry arrived looking so lost.


Its been 2hrs now but they still haven't given us news about Jennie.

Lisa couldn't stop pacing back and forth making me dizzy. 3 nurses attempted to fix her wounds but she refused them all not wanting to be away from Jennie.

Henry was sitting while cupping his face on both of his palms while head down.

Rosé at my side still unable to utter a word since we got here. I enclosed her in a warm embrace, giving her the strength she needed.

Jennie's manager, assistant and bandmates arrived later on looking all so worried.

Even The Manoban's arrived shortly trying to calm their frantic daughter. All shocked seeing her state.

Lisa used to be in control, confident and compose.. now all we see is a broken fragile woman scared for her lover's life. ..Almost wishing to trade her life for hers just to keep her safe.

I look at the closed double doors and silently prayed.

I don't think Lisa could continue living her life if she'll lost Jennie.

That would really tore my bestfriend apart.

And this time no one can save her.....

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