Chapter 21

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Henry's POV

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Aunt Victoria shouted making me and Mathew run towards her.

I gasp when I saw Jisoo trying to support Lisa's weight. She was too drunk to stand up. Mathew immediately went to her aid and carried his sister.

"I'll take her upstairs." Mathew said.

Jisoo was now massaging her shoulder and catching her breath.

"Well?" Aunt Victoria pushed for answers.

Jisoo glanced at me with hatred in her eyes."saw her drinking every alcohol available in the hotel bar. I couldn't stop her.. you know how Lisa is." She explained.

"No tell me what actually happened?" She insisted while raising her brows.

"Why don't you ask Henry Aunt Vic." Jisoo said with gritted teeth. Now the old woman turned to me with scrunched brows.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Only one person could make Lalisa Manobon destroy herself like that.." she said.

"Jennie.." i muttered in realization.

"I thought they talk it out.. i saw Lisa took Jennie away..-" Aunt Vicky said with worry in her eyes.

"Jennie will not believe her anymore. She didn't gave her a chance." Jisoo cut her off.

And this is what I'm afraid of..

I was shocked when Aunt Victoria suddenly gripped my collar tightly and her deadly gaze fixated on mine. "Fucking fix this Henry!! Now!!" She shouted angrily at me. "This is all your fault!"



Mathew and His dad exclaimed when they saw our position. Then Mathew pulled his mother away from me.

I couldn't even react cause i know she's right...

It is indeed my fault.


Jennie's POV

That week ends in a blur.

I didn't make an appearance during the thanksgiving party and instead booked a ticket home.

I couldn't take the pain anymore of sharing one place with Lisa. It made me crazier by each second, so i decided to invent an excuse and went home ahead.

Due to my broken self I was able to composed a new song and just poured my attention to it till my manager called me in for recordings.

Dad was calling me constantly since the day i left California but I didn't dare answer. I just don't want to talk to anyone right now.

Rosé always checks up on me even if she was busy with her fashion line and upcoming runaways. She also informed me that her and Jisoo are doing well and now constantly spending time together. Atleast my bestfriend gets her happy ending.

Its been a week since our confrontation and remembering it still burned my heart.

I kept on receiving flowers, chocolates, gifts and random letters to an anonymous sender after 2 days of being home. Even at the studio or wherever we have shows. All I know is that it came from one person due to the similarity of the card letters and its contents. Though it is usual for me to receive fan letters and gifts but this certain person seemed to know wherever I go and my personal schedule.

I reported it to my manager thinking that I gained a stalker. But this person's letters seemed harmless. Instead its weird. The letter cards only contained lines. Yup lines.

Then there's my father who's been bombarding my phone and my voice machine. I still didn't talk to him nor listened to the left messages on my machine.

2 weeks passed and I still feel shit. Lisa still invades my thoughts. I guess she got that power on me and I am that pathetic to be easily affected. Though her pained eyes, her sad face and wet teared face haunts me all the god damn time.

Sometimes it made me guilty for not giving her a chance or listening to her but in other times I'm furious and just want to erase her from my memory to make things easier.

My bandmates noticed my foul behavior but they didn't questioned it nor press my buttons. Maybe because they already knew what my problem is .. or rather who my problem is..

It was already 2 am and we just finished recording our new song that I composed. The boys already left ahead while I on the other hand still stayed for a while noting some possible better alterations of the song.

Who wants to go home in an empty large house anyway.. it will just make me think of Lisa again. When i felt tired, i called it a night and plug my airpods as I exited the studio.

Busy with my phone i walked at the long hallways while looking at my social media. I avoided the person when I saw her figure standing on my way, in order to pass through I moved to the right side but she also moved there, thinking it was a common mistake I moved to the left but she also copied my actions, getting irritated I looked up to the person angrily but my tongue got held up and my heart stopped beating for seconds as I look at her face.

I must be dreaming.. this is not possible..

I scanned her gorgeous face that I loathed and yet longed so much.

She stood there with a lovely smile plastered on her face. She wore an executive white blazer covering her elegant white dress, like she just got out in a meeting.

Slowly removing my airpods while still staring at her. "Wha-"

"What did i tell you about walking while texting Jen?" She asked me playfully cutting me off.

"Lisa.. what are you doing here?" Still confused.

"Fetching you." She answered simply while smiling.

"You shouldn't have bothered coming here. I have..." unable to finish what I'm about to say since I noticed that my security are no where to be found.

"I sent them away cause I'll be taking you home."

"What?! They're my security Lisa. I'm their boss so they should only follow-"

"They belonged to our security agency.. so basically I'm still their boss." Cutting me off.

Surprise was an understatement. How could i not know this.. well maybe for starters my manager assigned them to me so it means our company hired their security agency to protect their artists.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern in her voice drawing me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine.. I'll just take a taxi then." Walking pass through her.

"Don't be ridiculous Jennie. It's already late and its not safe for you to roam around at this time." She reasoned out while following me out of the building. "Please just let me take you home and I will be out of your hair in no time."

Its indeed true though.. it would be unwise to risk being mob than me avoiding her. With heavy sigh i stopped walking and turned to her. She stop abruptly in front of me. "Fine."

I saw how her eyes light up and she flashed her beautiful genuine smile on me.

I'm so gonna regret this.

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