Chazz just started laughing making me laugh at him.

"Eww bitch you ugly" I said laughing at how hard he was laughing.

"Bitch y'all play to much" tuti said bussing out laughing.

catching us by surprise cause this nigga never smile or laugh.

"Hell no bitch your laugh worst then kayla's" Chazz said laughing at tuti.

"Yeah her laugh should be illegal " I said laughing harder with tears in my eyes.

"She be sounding like a fucking dirt bike" Chazz said making me and tuti laugh even harder.

When our laughter died down I remembered what happened earlier.

"FUCK" I said out of nowhere.

"Nigga what's wrong with you" tuti asked.

"Mannn I got a baby." I said now smiling thinking bout my minnie me.

"Damn by who" Chazz said shocked.

"Bria" I said twisting my hair.

"Wait bria short bria" Chazz asked becoming more shocked.

"Yes bro we messed around a while back but we was drunk and don't really remember what happened." I said.

"Well damn congrats pops" tuti said walking up the steps.

"Aye nigga where you going" Chazz asked laughing.

" Man I'm going to take a nap which ever room I see first is the room I'm going to sleep in toodles " he said making me and Chazz laugh hard as fuck.

"Man that nigga said toodles" Chazz said laughing hard as Hell with tears in his eyes.

30 minutes went by.

"Aye let's make fried oreos" Chazz said showing me a tik tok.

"Nigga why you on tik tok ole soft dancing ass". I said laughing making Chazz mugg me.

" Nigga don't underestimate us dancers we beat shit to. well...iont know bout them other niggas but I know I do. " he said .

I just laughed at his stupid ass.

"What we need to make them" I asked.

"Pancake mix, oreos,powdered sugar, and grease." He said.

" ight c'mon let's go get that stuff. " 

"That's your food on the table" I asked chazz.

"naw thats tutti shit" he said.

"Oh" I said walking out the house.

POV: arionna monae brown -ari

I walked in the house from getting my hair done.

"A bad bitch has arrived" I said but didn't get a response letting me know I was home alone.

"Oh shit who chicken" i said grabbing 2 pieces and some fries.

"BALD HEAD HOE SHIT , BALD HEAD HOE SHIT GET IT BITCHHHH" I sung out loud going to my room.

I flopped on my bed just to be pushed on the floor by somebody in my bed.


"BRO SHUT THE FUCK UPPPP" tuti said moving the covers from over his head.

"No bitch you scared me why you in my bed and where your shirt" I said getting up biting the chicken I stole.

"Man Chazz poured water on me and I got tir-" tuti was saying but stopped in the middle of his sentence.

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