[𝟕] 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

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{ this is inspired by something i saw a couple months ago...it was super cute and i could tell the girl and her friends were freaking out about it which i found super cute bc yk- its cute that ur friends r happy for u after a cute guy compliments u <3. obviously i put my own little twist on this story to match my alvarito theme thing, anyways enjoy!<3 }


  i recently started working at a mall, but if we're gonna be specific, i work at the store hollister. two of my friends natalie and kiara worked with me there. today i had a shift and luckily so did natalie and kiara.

  "today is a friday, and we just HAD to have a shift today" kiara whines. "yeah well maybe we can meet a cute dude or something, you never know!" natalie exclaims. lately kiara and her have been trying to find a boyfriend while working. kinda dumb right? they've failed at all their attempts- and sometimes its funny because most of the time they just embarrass themselves in the funniest ways. we obviously laugh at it afterwards but at the moment they get all red like a tomato.

  "ok but someone who really needs a boy friend here is (your name)," natalie says. "me? yeah no. i don't wanna embarrass myself like you guys, no thank youuuuu!" i laugh. "you haven't even attempted though," natalie continues. "yeah yeah, whatever," i say.

  minutes later, people started to come in to the store. thank god kiara played scrawny by wallows, i wouldn't have gone through day without listening to a song from them. i mean how can you not love their music?

  groups of girs, boys, and families walk in. i help some people out to find specific things they want.
eventually i switched spots with one of my co-workers and i starting working on the register. recently ,our manager was actually nice enough to buy us some stools to sit on while working at the cash register.

   all of a sudden another group of boys walk in being LOUD AS HELL. i just ignored it, because this isn't the first time kids like them walk in like that. but i look to left and i just see both of them acting so excited and nervous. "oh my god what?" i ask them clearly confused. "do you NOT see who just walked in?" kiara whisper-yells. "yeah...some annoying ass boys, why?" i say as i give change back to a customer. "they're basically super popular on tiktok right now!" natalie says excited. "those mattia kids right?" i ask her. "yes those kids, and not all of them are called mattia stupid," kiara laughs.

  a while later i see one of them look at me and his friend laughing. i was literally about to get up and go kick him in the balls and drag him by his mushroom hair, but the other one looking at me seemed nice- he gave me a genuine smile and i smiled back at him.


"she smiled at you!" mattia yells. "can you shut up mattia? literally the whole store heard that." i say annoyed. "you know what? im gonna do you a favor..." he stars walking towards her. nononono what is he doing?!  "could you help my friend-" "no- i actually dont need help with anything...um im ready to pay for what i got" i say speed walking as i cut him off. the rest of the guys follow along and stand around mattia and i.
   she stars scanning our items. "did you guys find the service good here today?" she asks while she continues to check out our items. "i mean, the service here is good if theres always gonna be beautiful girls like you three, especially the one on the far right...natalie, right?" he says as he tries to read her name tag. "yeah," she says smiling while she helps a family check out their items. {fun fact; thats one of the things that happened at the store that day, it was so cute. i rlly hope the dude and the girl are talking today 🥺🤍.}

  "um- you look very beautiful," i say as im a nervous wreck. she looks to her friend smiling. "thanks, you're very cute," she says looking at me then going back to checking out our items.



  oh my god...is he really flirting with me right now?- wow. this is a first so of course im just so shocked.

    "your total will be $102 and 63 cents," i say trying not blush as red as a tomato. as soon as i said that 'into you' by ariana grande started playing. great. the cherry on top. setting the mood. the tall boy gives me the money and they all grab their bags as the cute boy gets the receipt.

  "hey, um, i know you probably have the whole not flirting while talking to a customer policy thing but...could i maybe get your number...?" he asks. "no yeah totally, just give me your phone real quick, ill just lie to the manager or something saying you need help with a code from the store or something," i say smiling to him. "okay- great," he says smiling back. "also i never asked but, whats your name?" i ask as he hands over his phone. "my names alvaro". i type in my number and make myself a new contact. "thank you!" he says as he stars to get his things. at this point his friends were waiting outside the store him. "no problem," i say handing him back his phone. "bye princesa" he says looking back. a nickname already? wow. i look at my friends to see them freaking out about it. receiving a text from him is the only thing im looking forward to today...<3.

this was my favorite one idc idc idc. cutest story smh <3

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