the discovery

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Time:3:14 PM


Agent: Talos

I was on my way back from a mission that the rookie agents had trouble and it was not as challenging as I was expecting but we managed to do it. While I was checking back in and on my way to the boss, the alarms go off asoon I open the door to her office I see here laying on the floor and a knife was near her and a note that had my name on it. I decided to put it away as I get up guards aim there rifles at me so I knew I was being framed for this, I only had one option is to escape. I threw a smoke bomb on the floor and I ran out of the room and I was on my way to the elevator and that is my only way out. Every one was chill until they heard in the speakers that I was committed for murder so they were gonna try to stop me from going to the elevator so I had to fight my way out I didn't want to hurt my men but I had no choice so I fought my way out I didn't kill any one, after I got threw my men I was a target to be tracked for good and then i left.

And I will not come back till I find the man...

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