the breaking point

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I was on my way to a safe house I owned but while I was driving I notice a black car following me.
While the car was following me I remembered the note I found I knew I needed to get some where safe.
I needed to slow the follower so either nails,oil,or tire spikes, so I did all three so I slow them down big time.
I made it to the safe house and I refilled my car but I also had to wait. I remembered again i needed to read the note so I red it and it was a man I met before but who?

The alarms go off I knew they found me so now I'm on the run again, they broke through the garage door so I couldn't reach my car so I took the escape route the ally way which is my only way out. I found a guy I knew but also was a close friend he knew I was on the run but he helped me anyway.
I told him everything including the note so he red the note he new what it meant cause he was a privetier detective.

He examine the letter and found the location of the writer...

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