V2 Ch6: Burden of the Blade

Start from the beginning

She was as proffesional and elegant as ever, but the wild look in her large green eyes made it clear that she was just as excited as Y/n.

Both teams RWBY and JNPR were all on the edge of their seats for the battle to come, and Ruby was bouncing up and down in her seat with excitement.

Glynda watched the back and forth between the two students with her own level of interest. She too was interested in what Y/n was capable of. She linked the students aura to the board.

Y/n did in fact have an aura in this form. It was simply very small. It was only really good for protecting against a good four or five strong hits, and didnt do great for regeneration. So he had to be careful.

Glynda: "The fighters may begin when ready..."

Y/n bent his knees slightly as one hand drew his large odachi, the other hovering anxiously over one of the pistols on his hip.

Pyrrha took up her trademark hoplite stance. Knees bent, stance low, shield up and spear held high overhead.

The two stared eachother down, as Y/n spoke first, an excitement in his eyes that anyone who didnt know him would mistake for madness.

Y/n: "Sooo, how are we gonna do this? I come at you? You come at me? Oooh, at the same time?"

Pyrrha smirked at him, but didnt respond. Taunting him, in a way. Y/n seemed to continue his statement, but he was too distracted by the challenge before him. Muttering incoherently.

The two began to circle eachother slowly. Studying eachother. Waiting.



Y/n suddenly disappeared in a burst of darkness, the entire arena suddenly darkening. Pyrrha twirled on the ball of her foot, holding her defensive stance. The darkness coated her vision, so she closed her eyes and listened. Concentrating.

Y/n: "DODGE!!!"

Without any other warning the darkness suddenly evaporated as Y/n appeared on her left with a massive two handed swing of his sword. Pyrrha, with barely enough time to react, was forced on the defensive as she continued to block and step around the relentless barrage of strikes Y/n was throwing out.

As she went to dodge his next strike, she was surprised as she found that she dodged right into the barrel of his small sawn off, immediately catching a face full of fire dust, stumbling slightly. She didnt let it stun her long however, as she quickly caught her balance and moved on the offensive.

Pyrrha: "Hyaahh!!"

With a shout Pyrrha began a storm of precise and focused jobs towards Y/n, forcing the boy into a very shaky defensive. What blows he didnt redirect, he only narrowly avoided in a burst of shadow as he relocated himself. Quickly sensing a pattern, Pyrrha feigned a sideways jab, but quickly dropped down and spun on her feet as she anticipated Y/n warping behind her, sweeping his feet from under him.

She quickly took advantage of his winded state as she batted him to the side, sending him rolling through the air towards the edge if the arena and massively tanking his aura at once.

Thinking she must have won, she relaxed herself. Seconds later she was startled as what felt like a chain wrapped around her leg.

Quickly opening her eyes she was greeted by the sight of Y/n standing at the edge of the arena, his sword gone and replaced with what appeared to be a kunai on a large chain wielded in his left hand, and a massive kama with it's own small chain wrapped around his right wrist, both with a heavy looking counterweight. Students went wild in the stands at the sudden change, they were certainly getting a show.

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