"Hey hey! Relax! I'm sorry for worrying about me!" The white haired man yelped out with his usual tone of his light voice that always makes you annoy at him very..... Very much. "You better not just disappear all of a sudden just to flirt with me." You uttered out as you stare at him with eyes filled to the brim with hatred and annoyance.

From the day you met Merlin you hated him with such voracity. He always try to flirt with you in the most oddest of ways. From filled you bed with pink flowers to nearly burning the apartment down with his scented candles all over the place..... You have a pretty clear reason to despise this man.

And the fact that he did something like that again just a few minutes before proves that he's persistent on making you want to like him. However as you didn't realized is that nearly everyone on the bus is staring at you two with eyes emitting curiosity. You look back at Merlin as his left cheek reveals a red mark with imprints of you knuckles.

"Your causing too much attention! Would you please just save this for home when yo--" You glared at Merlin once again as you were turning away your head. As a result you pinched his cheek instead because really you to didn't want to get everyone's attention again as they have already turned their head thinking along the lines of "Personal Matters"

Merlin chuckled in his expenses as the pinch was oblivious to him now. "So how are you gonna cope with me being your co-worker when you hate me so much hm?" Ah yes..... That. In all honesty you shouldn't have choose the spot for being the casino's barkeeper since your boss said you'd be working with Merlin.

And that fact made you nearly faint of shock or smash the desk in the job interview like it was Merlin's face. But still you have to get a job for the sake of having money as you would do anything just to have a single dollar. Which means working with the man you hate.

After the you stopped your attack on Merlin and endured his teasings non-stop for nearly a dozen minutes on the bus it drove nearby to the Casino as the window shows the  silver sign of "Camelot and Co." That made people look at it with such fascination.

The Casino you worked at is called "Camelot and Co." As is it evident by the silver sign that you just saw. The Casino is well known as being the most chaotic Casino to date as the people there will mostly get attracted by the buildings that surrounds this place shining blue windows that will possibly blind you when the sun hits it and shot to your eye by the looks of it.

As you two finally saw the sign you both got off you seat and rushed into the door resulting with you two colliding in the door. Merlin smiled as he closed his eyes as he chuckled afterwards. As for you however..... You shoved Merlin out of there with much force that you might have faceplanted him in the concrete.

"Can't you stop teasing me? I would love in the bed~" Merlin utter to the ground as he put his arm on the concrete sidewalk and stood up looking at your face with his Gray eyes filled with optimism while you look back with hatred emanating within yours.

Merlin smiled like a young child at your stare making you turn around to walk further from him. "Don't ever do that again...." You muttered under you breath as Merlin sprints to your side when you reached towards the door.

Merlin then patted you on the back and looked at you with his usual closed eye's smile and said words that you possibly couldn't believe it can from Merlin aka the man who tries to flirt with you.

"Listen..... I may not be the most trust worthy person in your life but..... I hope you have a wonderful day at our new work!" Merlin yelled towards you as he chuckled at your sigh as he reaches the door handle and opened the Casino doors for you. "Its the first time you ever said something genuinely good." You spoke out to him as he opened the door to reveal a stunning Casino.

The Casino is filled to the brim with Casino broads and drinks being delivered by a silver hair clad as he looked at the cards thrown with its satisfying sounds of shuffling. The walls from the ground floor being filled by Jackpot Machines that appeared endless towards the halls. Then there's your workplace with Merlin: The Drinking Area. With a Camelot's usual golden desk filled with drinks in a glass display underneath.

There was so many things that fills this Casino that your in awe. From the Glass Chandelier to the large and long Casino desk with a giant Casino spinner this place is a Haven filled with gold and drinks. "So what do you think?" A man walked by the door as his Red hair sways in the air-conditioning just to look fancy.

"I think she's too speechless Tristan." Merlin rubbed your head as the Red haired clad, now identified as Tristan, chuckles softly. "If that's the case then would you like to see more of this place?" Tristan asked as he swirled you hair making you shake you head to the left as this guy acts suspiciously calm.

"Tristan! Stop playing around with women! You making our newbie uncomfortable!" A high pitch woman yelled as she rushed towards the entrance as she appears to be a small brunette with hair that forms a shaped suspiciously like rabbit ears  wearing a waitress's outfit.

"What's the matter with it Gareth?" The woman now known as Gareth stopped her tracks as she saw the white haired man himself "M-Merlin!?! I---I! Thought you were!" Gareth was cut out by Merlin's finger and smiled at the little brunette.

"Fired? Oh Gareth! You believe in rumors just a little bit too much! I had a Vacation!" You sigh as you finally can to your senses and shoved through Merlin and said to Gareth. "He mostly took a naps in the apartment and tried to-" Your voice was cut by a loud cough curtsey of Tristan.

"You should keep quiet about that since you down want to make Lancelot start a loud mess here...." Tristan whispered a little bit too close to your ears and looked at the second floor to see a purple blur giving drinks and scolding a blond haired guard that looks too much like a fitness trainer.

"Ah so he's on shift? I thought he worked at night?" Merlin asked Tristan as he heard the situation to reveal them having an argument whether or not it was a good idea to call the Boss for this.

"Their loud aren't they? Lancelot should better keep it quiet..... People are staring at them now...." Gareth sigh as she looked at Lancelot and crossed her arms and mumbling along the lines of "Brother should be better than this....."

As the two people argue at the floor above you sighed as well thinking 'This is just great...' As two people argue up top and Merlin, Tristan and Gareth rushing in as they saw the buffed person smacking the purple haired individual in the back just a little bit too hard.....

This is gonna be a weird job.

Author's Note
• Possibly gonna rewrite this story in the future.
• The schedule chapter releases will be one chapter per week.
• I may not upload for a while because Work.
• And I hope you enjoy this! Please support TYPE-Moon, Kinoko Nasu and Delight Works for the characters! This is just a fanfic after all?
• fun fact...... This took me three weeks to make! Horray!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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