Once Ma TIan, Kong Da and Xu Chen were outside the sun had already set, leaving only a faint red light in the cloudless summer sky. Ma Tian stretched lazily but winced and put his arms back down.

"What's wrong."

Xu Chen looked up at Ma Tian with a face of worry. Ma Tian grinned as he swung his arm back onto Xu Chen's shoulder.

"I'm tender after the tattoo. You really should've come to hold my hand, I wouldn't be in any pain if you had."

Xu Chen had completely forgotten about the tattoo on Ma Tian's penis and he looked at the dirty ground shyly, the easy going atmosphere Ma Tian had created between the two of them returned to the teasing from earlier. Off to the side, Kong Da held the door open while Wang Li caught up with everyone and they slowly walked their way back to the studio. Wang Li was about to tell Xu Chen they should head back when Kong Da whispered in his ear, sending a tickling feeling down his neck.

"Can we talk?"

These words never brought any good and the tickling he felt instantly turned to anxiety but he agreed despite the fear in his heart. Kong Da called out to Ma Tian, who was a few meters ahead with Xu Chen.

"Tian, Xiao Li and I are going to walk a little longer."

"Good, more time for me to spend with Xiao Chen."

Wang Li was about to say something but Ma Tian had already turned around and continued walking towards the studio with his arm around Wang Li's soulmate. Kong Da shook his head as he led the way across the road, heading towards a scenic area with seating. He sat first with Wang Li sitting with his legs crossed and body facing Kong Da's side just like they had sat at the campsite.

"I was hoping that I wouldn't need to tell you this but with how things are going between us and it's obvious that you're feelings for me aren't fading, I can't hide the reason those men from today came to the studio."

Wang Li was relieved since he thought that Kong Da was about to tell him that he should stop pursuing him, Kong Da sighed heavily as the last of the final light in the sky faded, the bright street lamps offering a cold light over the scenic park, the perfect atmosphere for telling a sad story.

Ten years ago at the age of 18, Kong Da had become one of the main artists in the studio where he and Suo Su were working, his pay from his work was slowly building like his stream of customers, Kong Da didn't focus on one style and this helped pull in more people to the studio.

Just like any other day, Kong Da was consulting with a client when a girl around his age walked in, no one recognised her and she didn't speak to any of the artists. Once Kong Da was finished consulting his client, the strange girl walked over, she first introduced herself as Chen Ai then directly told Kong Da to tattoo anything on her, she didn't care what it was but it could only be done by him.

Kong Da was a young artist since he was only 18, although he had been tattooing for 5 years there were artists in the studio who had been tattooing for over 10, Kong Da had explained this to Chen Ai and she left after a short goodbye. He thought this girl was someone who grew up getting her way and if she didn't then she would look somewhere else. But Chen Ai came back the next day and told Kong Da again that she wanted a tattoo of anything as long as he did it. Kong Da declined again.

The girl was relentless and Chen Ai came back everyday for a week, she no longer told Kong Da to tattoo her but Chen Ai would sit in the shop from opening hour until they closed, if someone asked her what she was doing Chen Ai told them that she had an appointment with Kong Da. Once the first week passed, Kong Da gave up and agreed. The actions had left a sour taste in his mouth while he asked what style the tattoo would be in but the girl said "You Choose" He asked how big, again "You choose." Any question regarding the tattoo would result in "You choose." Kong Da was a little frustrated by this and took a proper look at the girl standing in front of him.

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