Give me love

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You know what they say about first love?

You can never ever forget them.

No matter how much they hurt you you or how long they've been gone in your life, you will always have a special place for them in your heart.

Now, what if one day they decided to come back in your life? Right in the moment where you are falling in love with someone little by little.

Can a shattered heart still forgive the one who broke them and accept that person back in its life?

Or will it choose the new one and take a plunge in the cliff of uncertainty?

I never thought that someday I would have to deal with that dilemma...

And why does that "someday" have to be today?!

"And who the hell do you think you are?!" A familiar voice shouted downstairs.

That voice.

The last time I heard that voice was four years ago, but my stupid heart still remembers every single detail about him.

It's owned by my ex boyfriend Chase.

"I'm his boyfriend. So get the fuck out of his house. He no longer wants to see you" I heard Bright said when I'm almost downstairs.

"Only Win can decide that but I suggest that you get yourself home now because he will never pick you over me. I'm Win's first to everything. How can you ever compete to that?!" Chase' tone is mocking Bright.

When I finally reached the living room, the first one I saw is Bright with rage burning in his eyes and his fist clenched ready to pounce on Chase anytime.

With him is the guy that was once a very special part of my life and then one day he disappeared without a trace.

Chase has an intense look on his face, ready to stand his ground against Bright.

They are both sizing each other up that's why they didn't notice that I already arrived, but my feet are frozen in the ground.

Why? Why now? What does he want? There are so many questions in my head but...

"Chase" the only word that came out of my mouth.

Then they turn around in my direction.

Chase face then finally soften when our eyes met.

He then walked fast to where I'm at but my fake boyfriend is even faster because before Chase can reach me, Bright has already pulled me and he stood in front of me.

"That's the closest you can ever get to him" he said with authority. His hand is holding mine.

"Win we need to talk. I'm here to win you back" he said with his eyed pleading.

"Go somewhere else. Win doesn't want any explanation especially if its coming from you" Bright turn his head to look at me. His last sentence is not a statement but a question for me.

My eyes are darting between the two of them but Chase sudden appearance  rendered me speechless.

This is what I want right?! For Chase to comeback and for us to continue our love story but why am I not resisting Bright's hand clinging into me?

This is supposed to be an easy decision.

Pick Chase and every problem I have will be gone in an instant. Luke and his father, my loneliness, even my stupid contract with Bright, all of it will end if I pick him.

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