Foolish heart

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The clock hanging up on my wall says it is now exactly twelve in the afternoon.

I haven't managed to get some sleep last night because I was too busy writing a love song.

Countless scraps of crumpled paper lying around my room are the evidence that I've gotten nowhere last night.

The longest that I've written is four lines and I'm not even half satisfied about it. Now I regret that I stayed up late for nothing.

I now definitely need an iced coffee to battle the sleep deprivation and the afternoon heat.

So I decided to take a quick shower and head to a nearby Starbucks to get myself a dose of caffeine.

"Win?" I asked myself out loud

I don't know if what I was seeing in the window of the coffee shop is my fake boyfriend or my sleep deprived mind is playing tricks on me.

I took a few more steps and I finally confirmed my suspicion.

It is really him and he's having a good laugh with Luke, who Win said he doesn't like.

First, I didn't sleep at all last night, then this hot weather is killing me and now this guy lied to me that he will have lunch with his dad.

Does Luke look like a daddy to him?!

This day is really frustrating.

"I'll take you home first" I heard that jerk Luke said to Win when I enter inside the coffee shop.

They still didn't notice that I'm approaching.

"You'll be late if you do that. I can take a cab" Win said.

"I insist. Your dad knows that you are with me. If you're worried about Bright..."

Is Luke really serious?! The guy in front of him does have a boyfriend and he keeps on flirting with him.

"He should really be worried because what Win told me is he will have lunch with his dad" I glare at Luke

I hope he gets the message that he should back off from Win.

"Bright, what are you doing here?" Win interjected.

He picked up his laptop and put it back inside his bag.

This is the part where I should act as a possessive boyfriend but the scene I've just witnessed makes my blood really boil.

"What are you doing with that guy? Is he your dad now?

I know it's just a breach of our stupid contract but still this is some form of cheating.

"Don't be mad at Win. I forced him to join me for lunch because his dad is on a meeting" Luke explained

Forced? Win doesn't look like he was in any way forced earlier. That shy smile, the way he looks at this jerk, Win is clearly enjoying his time with Luke.

"Let's go Win!" I ignored Luke and held Win's wrist to pull him away from that place.

"I have to go Luke. Thanks for the lunch" Win said genuinely grateful to Luke.

I never let go of Win's hand until I hailed a cab to take us back to my place.

"You can let go of my hand now" Win said when we were inside the cab

I let go of his hand and I saw a red hand mark on his wrist because I held on to it too tight.

Win gave me an annoyed look while massaging the reddened area of his arm.

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