Giving a faint recollection

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third person P.O.V

That next morning the druids packed up camp and said goodbye. They had to keep moving to stay safe. Although they told Merlin should he need them they would be there.

Now as those other issues have been addressed and things were a bit more calm now. All the knights were standing in relevant silence. So many questions hanging in the air making it extremely uncomfortable for everyone.
Everyone kept sneaking glances at each other to see who would break the heavy silence. 
Gwaine, ever the courageous man he is tried to lighten the mood with a laugh and what he thought would be a funny, obvious joke. He shook his head, marched up to Merlin, who in turn flinched back unable to meet his brave and loyal friends expressive brown eyes. Afraid that his friend would be upset with him for all the secrets he kept during these years. Never telling him despite all they had been through together. 
But instead Gwaine released a huff before chuckling and hugging Merlin tightly.

"Mate you have no idea how much of a fright you just gave us.-"

"Listen I'm sorry about it but I didn't mean to...... And you know I'd never hurt anyone...-" Merlin interrupted Gwaine thinking he was talking about the whole him, having incredibly strong magical abilities.
This time Gwaine cut in forcing him to stop his ramblings, by sharply slapping him in the back on his good shoulder saying. "I'm not talking about of your whole magical status. Although that is super cool mate and i definitely want to hear more of your adventures later, I'm talking about your wound. You had me and the other's worried like crazy for you. We did what we could but to be really honest you looked like death. After all your wound was really bad. Oh yeah, Speaking of which is it really all healed." He asked in a rush looking him over with a concern eye. Merlin seemed to be absorbing his reaction and processing it.

 Once it finally seemed to click and sink into his head that Gwaine would always accept him and more than likely knew well enough why Merlin hadn't told him about it. Slowly a smile stretched across his face, that pure, carefree, kind and dazzling smile they had all missed since it had vanished some time ago. You could see, if not practically feel, the great relief and joy lighting up Merlin's face making him look 10 years younger. It reminded them all that Merlin was actually still quite young even though he had experienced more than any man twice his age had. it was then that the others snapped out of their trances and moved closer slowly to show they meant no harm eventually getting to his side and giving him a comforting smile. The only ones still at a distance was Arthur and Lyon partially because after all they had witnessed they didn't know how to approach him were still on the cautious side. While they obviously weren't going to attack him, not again in Arthur's case. But they were still unsure and cautious. Sure they both had seen the good magic could do but after all these years of Merlin keeping his magic from them there relationships were on shakey ground.

Laughing Merlin waved his hands cutting off Gwaine's endless rambling. He said "Whoa slow down a little bit. Yes it's all healed now. Checked it last night. Just a new white scar there now." 

At that Merlin peaked a glance at Arthur and noticing that Arthur and Lyon hands were still hovering over their swords knew something had to be said. "You know I meant what I said before, this whole thing is a lot more complicated then just the black in white "magic is evil" idea or your prejudice against magic being right or not. I have been willing to and on several occasions have either risked my life or almost died for you and Camelot. If that along with my numerous years of loyalty to you truly means nothing to you and you want to continue the slaughtering of my people than you might as well start with me. You know I could never bring myself to seriously fight or injure you so it'd be best I die now and stop this cycle once and for all. As I said the first time I just want a quick end, not a slow and agonizing one like burning to death. I've already seen people like me meet that end far too many times than I care to remember. I'm tired of hiding, of having to be ashamed of how I was born. It was always going to come to this at some point afterall." Merlin said firmly standing tall but still humble stunning all of them to see this hidden side of Merlin that most of them had no idea even existed.

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