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Gwains P.O.V.

As Arthur walked towards me I could see the self loathing and guilt eating away at him from inside. And rightly he should I'm not going to be cruel but he will hear from me weather he likes it or not."sit down Arthur"I said gesturing to the ground he appeared surprise but sat down anyway. "Honestly Arthur I'm not sorry for how bad u may feel at the moment but because you are realizing what grave mistake u have just made I can still the man I pledged my allegiance to. I'm not going to lecture you not right now anyways. U know out of everyone I have ever met Merlin is the best and he continues to surprise me heck surprise us all. He is a great man undoubtedly, sure most of the time he is not the strongest or skilled or smartest person but he is still the most brave courageous selfless kind wise understanding loyal man I have or will ever meet. Day after day he would risk his life for you do what was needed and sacrifice anything even his own morals never getting anything no thanks no nothing and yet he didn't stop or regret or get tired of continually doing everything he could always for the good of everyone else but himself. He even managed to help to mature so much." They both got lost in deep thought pondering how true that all was.
"Anyway personally I can understand some of your thoughts surrounding Merlin not telling us. But honestly non of us have a right to judge or be enraged at him. He did the best he could whirling protecting others while still trying to stay alive. I'm sure u can understand him too for the first while u two knew each other in the start he was scared for his life and knew u were only beginning to trust each other than during the rest of Uthurs rain he cared for u and couldn't stand the idea of putting u in the situation of having to chose between him and your father. It must of been really hard at a lot of the times never being able to be himself nor able to help his kin instead siding which would be in your best interest. Now that I think about it there were so many times he seemed to desperately want to tell you something important only to just bit his tongue. I really do hope u know how much he adores respects and loves you Arthur" I finished while looking him directly in the eye

"I do Gwain and I can't even understand how I could have hurt him considering the fact I really don't know what I would do without him. I can't even imagine my life without him being there." Arthur said looking at me and then staring into the fire as a few tears slipped down him cheeks.

"That's go--" I was cut off by Leon shouting
"DAMMIT GUYS COME OVER HERE SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MERLIN." That caused us all to get up and Sprint over to Merlin as fast as we could.
That lead to us finding Merlin floating a few feet of the ground with his stitches ripping his skin we were horrified and panicked since no one could touch Merlin.
Then all the sudden he starts murmuring something in a language I don't recognize.
His voice was deep and gravelly. His tone so low he was practically growling. His words seem mixed up and mangled.
I heard a gasp as Percival practically wispered "Oh my... He is speaking draconian. It's a blood trait though I have only ever heard it once during my travels when I encountered a famed dragon lord."
"Wait but only dragon lords can speak it though. Its passed down from generation to generation. The ability isnt one u can learn. Plus wouldn't that have to mean he is a dragon lord I thought they were all wiped out now what with the one Arthur and Merlin went to get .... being dead. shit!" Leon spoke seeming to piece something together. Although he said it all so fast, we still heard every word he said
"Hold on Leon you can't mean that you think Merlin is not only a warlock but what a dragon lord." Arthur asked incredulous stumbling through his words.
At leon's hesitant but sure nod we all went silent.
No one said anything as we watched Merlin in shock as his body went upright again and as his feet hit the ground a rush of powerful magic pushed us all back. He landed on his feet the earth trembling beneath him.

Suddenly his eyes shot open his irses glowing gold. We were in shock but couldn't have hoped to move the power radiating off him was so intense they felt paralyzed. Even an uncontrollable spasms of awe and reverence befell us. Even a slight twinge of fear as Merlin growled voice thundered something in draconian that seemed to be answered by one familiar screech and a frightening roar. It could be heard from miles away. It seemed to be a call of a sort we didn't recognize. We were so distracted we didn't notice the cloaked figures coming into the clearing untill the swept past us seemingly being pulled to Merlin like a magnet. Seeing more than a few druid tattoos we realized that it was druids from all around even some that were obviously children.

They stopped a few feet away from Merlin and bowed before them. We were shocked and confused why were druids bowingit didn't make sense. But that question would have to wait.

Looking up they saw the dragon that had rarely been seen apart from Morgonna. It's frail and disfigured form flying in sharply but struggled making us all feel a twinge of pity for the creature. Merlin seemed to be beckoning it closer to land!

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