Chapter 1

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(Somewhat strong language warning :)

Willow glanced outside of the classroom window. Her feet bounced up and down as she observed the people walking far below her on the campus. She savored the way the students made their way across the hedge lined sidewalks, and how everyone seemed busy and smart. She squinted at a rather handsome fellow who had a phone in hand and a textbook in the other. A tall girl with long blonde hair passed him, a backpack slung over her dainty shoulders.

Would I like to go to class with them, Willow thought, not noticing the smile that had spread across her face. 

Suddenly, a ruler hit the side of her desk, making her nearly fly out of her chair. Papers from her disorganized notebook flew all over the ground, making the rest of the classroom hum with amusement. Willow's head whirled around to face her teacher who had a frustrated expression on her face.

"Mademoiselle Willow, I asked you a question!" the tight lipped woman quipped in her French accent.  

"Oh, right! Uh," Willow scurried to grab all of her notes that she didn't bother to study with after writing them down. She flipped to a page filled with responses, and read one from the top of the page. "Madame Brodeur, pouvez-vous... le répéter s'il vous plaît?"

Madame Brodeur sighed as she crossed her arms over her blue blazer. 

"Quel âge as-tu?" she asked again.

Willow racked her brain for the response, feeling increasingly embarrassed the longer she took to answer what she assumed was a simple question. "Um, j'ai vingt ans."

Madame Brodeur nodded lightly with approval before smoothing a strand of black hair into her bun. "Please try to pay attention in this class, I will not say it again. After all, you are the one who paid for it, yes?"

"Yes, Madame," Willow said monotonously with a big eye roll when Madame Brodeur turned around. Her gaze linked with her roommate Ruby's, who in turn scoffed playfully at her friend's behavior. 

Willow met Ruby at the beginning of the course. The two hit it off immediately, even though they were complete opposites. Ruby dressed in pink pastels everyday while Willow dressed as boldy as possible. Ruby was an A plus student while Willow was...there. Ruby kept Willow organised (for the most part) and Willow kept Ruby on her toes. Originally, they were living separately, but soon figured that it would be easier if they moved in together since rent was getting to be a handful for the both of them, especially since Willow couldn't keep a job to save her life.

With the ruler in hand, Madame Brodeur motioned to the board where a list in French was written. 

"Class is dismissed for today, but make sure that you all copy down the homework," she eyed Willow. "Including you, Mademoiselle."

As the class packed up, Willow put her hand on her chest in fake shock. "Moi? Why wouldn't I?" 

"Shut it, Will," Ruby said as she made her way across the room. "You've been in this class for like, two months, and you still haven't done any work outside of the classroom."

Willow put her arms up and shrugged. "You got me there."

Ruby pushed her red tinted glasses up with satisfaction before helping Willow gather her mess and shove it into her bright yellow backpack. 

"Thanks," Willow sighed as she pulled the load onto her back. "Are you heading back to the place after this?"

Ruby shook her head and tossed back her strawberry blonde bangs. "I've got three classes on Tuesdays, remember?"

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