Chapter 5: Interrogation

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*Liv's POV* *seconds after her last POV, so Phil hasn't been to Steve yet*

I sat down and looked at the food. "So you want me to eat?" "Yes. I want you to make yourself.. comfortable..." "Well, no thanks. I know what you do. Good cop, bad cop, things like that." "No we don't do that. We just want to give you food because you've been walking in a forest on your own for quite a long time." "Oh...." I looked at the food again. I was almost tempted to start to eat, but something inside of me told me not to. "I've lost my apetite in the forest, sorry!" I said, joking a bit. "Okay. You'll also be able to eat later. Now let's talk. What were you doing in that forest?" "Just.... living." "We know you killed your family. We have seen their cold bodies. But why?"

I swallowed with a lot of trouble. Damn.... They know.... "I... I snapped." "Why did you snap?" "That's none of your business!!" I yelled. I felt I was shaking slightly. "Woah, relax! I am only asking basic questions!" Phil stood up and walked around the room, and stopped walking behind me. "What was your problem with your parents?" "I have no problems with my parents, since I have none...." I said in a harsh way. "No parents? Then who are laying dead in your house?" "My... old family. My dead family that I don't care about." "Uhu... so... you're adopted, right? Did you hear it for the first time the other night?" "Maybe... wait, it's still none of your business! I'm done talking to you!" I said as I stood up and backed off.

 "You've given us enough information for now. You don't really struggle against us though, you'll get some chocolate for that!" Phil said, and he stood up, taking his notebook and pen. Wait what? I scoffed as Phil lay his hand on the doorknob. "I don't give you anything." "You are. Your reaction is enough." Rubbish.... "Well Phil, what is your conclusion then?"


*Phil's POV*

What is this girl doing? Doesn't she see she's already cleared everything up?

I sighed and lifted my hand from the cold doorknob, turning around slowly. "My conclusion?" "Yes." "You are really desperate for attention are you?" "What has that to do with this?" "You want me to stay here and talk to you. What is wrong with you?" "You tell me, Phil" My nostrils shaked and I clenched my teeth. Something in the way she spat my name made a shiver go down my spine.

She looked into my eyes, and her grin made me want to hurt her badly. Just another criminal trying to get affection in the last moment, though every chance of attention has sailed because of their twisted minds. "You are adopted, you reaction showed that. You do not care about your family in the slightest, conclusion is you are unloved and want attention and freedom at the same time, so you killed your family after the clearly shocking news, fleeing into the forest, but now you're captured you don't mind it too much since you'd have to hide for many more years if you hadn't been caught. Clear enough, Liv?"   I added a sneery Liv to see her reaction, and she did nothing but flash her eyes dangerously, a gold-ish glow covering them for a second. Creep. And that for a 18 year old!

 "See Liv, you might think you're all that special, but in reality, you're an open book of insecurities. Just like all the other teenagers and criminals. You are a nothing." I spoke, before leaving the room, and closing the door behind me. I got an high-five from agent Hill and she smiled. "I liked that part at the end. Really encouraging!" "Thank you agent Hill." I smiled self-statisfying and went for a bad coffee and a horrible donut. Stupid stereotypes.

Just as I washed away the donut that sticked to my teeth, a man came running towards me. "We need your help at the sector of Cap." "What? Is there someting wrong?" "He's fine but we need you to read the plans and sign for a few other things." "Oh okay. I'm coming."


*Liv's POV*

I did not expect that. He caught me. He knew my intentions. He knew my fears. Well no, actually he knew nothing more now. He knew the case, not the person. I was indeed unloved, but not dying for attention. All I wanted was to have a real and caring family, not attention. I am not a diva, I don't need my name on a building with flashing lights, or a exclusive Oprah show, a news broadcast only about me, all I want is one person to accept me.

I sighed, smirked, crossed my arms and sat down, and drank some water. People say lots of things about what you should and shouldn't do when you're in a cell, like not drinking water, or was it that you have to drink water? All that didn't matter. I had to survive, but even if I died, it didn't matter. Nobody loves me now, nobody ever did. I can as well die here. Or in a few years. Or when I am old with a husband by my side. I scoffed at my childish thoughts. Like I was going to grow old. I sighed. All this made me so depressed even though I laughed at it, I was just having a good time and then those stupid agents have to interrupt me. Can't that handsome bowman come and entertain me? If he isn't entertaining his redhaired darling.

I giggled at me using a British-ish word and stared at the camera in the very corner of the room. "I want a magazine or something. I am bored!"


*Clint's POV*

A grin tugged on my face, as I saw a last glimpse of Nat before she closed the door. Damn that woman... I turned on my feet and left to take a shower. After I had done that and I didn't smell like squirrels and trees anymore, I put on a clean suit, and found a last note on my bed.

"I'm off, see you soon again. xNR" I read aloud and I fell backwards on my bed. "Hmn right." I stared at the ceiling. "Adding a kiss is not really her style though..." I spoke to myself. "Unless she wants to get more serious or anything. I guess I'll never know... Russian spies can be so confusing..." I stood up and left, and a woman informed me I should go and check on the Tess. She added quickly, with a frown in her face:  "You should have gone there an hour ago! Fury is not going to like this!" "I think Fury is already here though.." I mumbled to myself. "What?" "Nothing, you are so furious, you could be the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.!" "I don't get it." "I don't get myself." "Why that?" "Russian spies take over my mind."

Suddenly the woman started grinning. "Well I think they also take over your lips, don't they?" "What the Fury is that supposed to mean?" "It's not really a secret, Barton. You're working a certain agent into your pants." I choked a bit. What the hell was she thinking? "Excuse me?" "Too inappropiate for you? Sorry but not sorry. And stop with the Fury jokes, they're not funny." "Well brace yourselves Fury is coming!" I said and walked away, and she exclaimed something like "What?!" and I walked towards the room where the Tesseract was situated at the moment.


XD sorry for the bad Clint part I'm kind of giggly right now XD If it was too inappropiate for you then SORRY BUT NOT SORRY CLINT IS AWESOME GET OVER IT!!

The next chapter will include Loki's sexiness ehehe XD so please stay patient until then :)

Sorry for not updating in quite a long while but well..... I'm a bitch :( SORRY BUT REALLY SORRY!!!

Thank you for reading, please comment, vote and stay patient! ;D


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