Chapter 3: Hiding!

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*Liv's POV*

I pushed slowly, and the door squeaked and I flinched. "Yeah... like it all wasn't scary enough!" I shone my flashlight on the ground, and found no footsteps, only lots of dust. As the door opened up more and more I shone more upwards, and scanned the room. "Uhu.. scary little cabin. Oh look it has old furniture!!" Everything was made of wood, except for the cloths and a blanket made of wool. There was a little sort of couch or bed, a stock of wood and a fireplace, which was surrounded by stones to make it a oven. There also was a table with two chairs, and the floor had a huge rug and it was all in a style I couldn't really describe: medieval? Western? No I really didn't know. Anyways, if you didn't look at all the piles of dust and the lack of isolation of the cabin's walls, it could be a perfect hide-out! I lay my backpack outside in the grass and continued.

"Yeah that's great!" I said and I stepped inside, but hit a sort of button, and an arrow was fired at me, and I ducked down quickly. "THE HECK!?" Adrenaline was shooting through my body. "Okay... what the hell just happened? IS THIS KARMA!?" I ran outside and looked at the sky. "Now we go to the weather, no karma planned today, thank you!" I said sarcastically and giggled and ran inside again. Yes I was definitely nuts. I carefully placed my feet on the ground, scanning everything again to search for other traps. After an eternity of scanning and being carefull, which was annoying and making me tired, I concluded the cabin was safe. I opened the shutters of the windows, because before only one was open and it was really dark, and light filled the room. I turned off my flashlight and started taking some things- like the cloths and the blanket- outside to shake the dust out of them. I coughed a few times, and hang them up on some branches, to give them some air and let the nasty insects or whatever is inside the filthy things get out.

I found a broom and started to sweep the floor, remove some spiderwebbings and then went outside to remove the webbings and filth on the outside. After that, I took one of the cloths and put some water on it, and used that to clean the furniture and the windows. When the sundown came, I was completely finished and felt lots better inside the 'creepy' cabin, which was now a clean hide-out. I sighed in statisfaction and smiled. I closed the door and shutters and made a fire in the fireplace, and warmed myself and the light danced on the walls. I lay down on my bed, and dressed into my PJ's and ate some chocolate. "Mmmnn... Man I love chocolate!" I giggled and put out the fire after a few hours and soon fell asleep.


The next day I stood up early, dressed myself and opened the door and shutters and felt the warm sunshine on my face. I ate quickly and left the cabin to search water. Around 11 o'clock, which my stomach told me, I found water, drank some and put some into a bucket I had found, and also into my bottle. I took a quick bath, and rubbed my face clean, and dressed myself again and left. I came back in the cabin and ate some berries I found on my way back, and also made tea with them. Yes I'm very skilled at tea making, thank you! Maybe my biological parents were Britisch! Or not.. I don't know, but would like to! I drank the tea, and ate the last berries and fell asleep on the bed.


I woke up in the middle of the night, screaming and all covered in sweat. I just had the worst nightmare, about the ghosts of the ones I killed chasing me. I stood up and shook off the image of their cold dead bodies standing up and grasping my arms and screaming my name, and slowly pressing me to the floor. I took some water, splashed it into my face and looked into a tiny mirror that was on the wall. "Goodnight, me!" I said, turned around, stepped into the bed and tried to sleep again. But the last one failed. I fought with the blanket, I fought the images, I struggled so much that my brain was way to active to sleep. So I got up, dressed in more suitable clothes for ouside and put on my coat, and left the cabin, with my flashlight in my pocket.

The air was cold and waking me up some more. I followed wherever my feet took me, and the breeze made my mind feel refreshed and empty. "Who needs family? Who needs people? I have oxygen! And freedom! HA!" I mumbled to myself and I laughed. I looked up and saw that I once again was on higher ground, and I glanced all around me, and saw the lights of the city enlighten the sky. I gasped. "Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice from behind me said. I jumped up, and turned around, being scared. "Who are you, how did you find me?" I said, and bored my eyes into the stranger's.


WOOOWWW WHO IS THE STRANGER? :D You really won't expect it, I swear and I am not being sarcastic!

Sorry it isn't that long, and I know I originally named chapter 2 'Hiding' but I think it suits better here, so I changed it! :D

Thank you for reading, please comment and vote and I hope to see you soon! :D BYEZ!!


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