Chapter 2: What's Next?

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*Liv's POV*

I woke up that morning, and groaned as I stood up. 'Oh my gods, what the heck?!" I yelled as I watched the place where I had fallen asleep: it seemed soft but now it was filled with stupid insects. 'Oh rubbish!' I sighed and shook off my clothes, but that wasn't enough. I opened my backpack and examinated the contents: a towel, 3 pairs of jeans, 6 shirts, 2 sweaters, a flashlight, a knife, and lots more. I closed the zippers and stood up, and cleaned the area and the trails, and started running to a nearby stream. Well, river. The river or stream, whatever it's water! Anyways, it was quite deep, and I took off my clothes, and washed my shirt in the stream, as it was still dirty and had lot of insects on it. I hang it up on a tree, and then walked into the river.

I was completely naked and sat there in the cold stream, washing off the blood. I sighed in relief and felt the cold taking over my body. I stayed in the river for quite a while, feeling more alive than ever, when suddenly I heard twigs snap, and I looked up, eyes wide open in fear. It was just a deer or something, relax! I thought and I shook my head and chuckled. 'Look at yourself! You've just killed your family, run off to the woods, and now you're acting completely paranoia from a breaking twig!' I said to myself aloud.

I sighed and stood up again, as I was almost freezing to death- not that I cared. My shirt was already dry again, and I put it on, after I also put on my underwear and my jeans. Just before I left I looked around, and saw something shining in the light of the sun. 'Oh... that I almost forgot you!' I mumbled and saw my necklace hanging on a tree.  It was a light pink rose, inside a sort of glass dome, like it's trapped. I bought it a couple of years ago when I was on holiday in England, with the family of my friend. I saw it in a little cute shop, and I had gasped and put it on, and never ever put it off for longer than 24 hours.

I put it on again, and smiled, and touched it softly. I threw my backpack over my shoulder, and left. I walked to a nearby large pile of rocks and climbed onto it, I laughed madly and turned around, as I had a great view. I could see a city close, but I didn't want to go there, of course not, it's madness! Far to the east I saw the vague shapes of New York fucking City. I chuckled to myself and looked further. So. Woods. Small city. New York fucking City. Going to the Police. Or suicide. Those were my options, so.... I sat down and reached into my backpack for my secret and undying love: chocolate. I ate and closed my eyes, and moaned. 'I love you chocolate. You're my best friend and my lover forever!'  I chuckled and then I heard that noise again. 'Hello? Anyone there?' Nice move. Now they know I'm here. No response came and I shook the thought off, again. 'New York fucking City, I shall disappear in your alleyways, and into your criminal networks, but first, I need to stay hidden in the woods for a few days.' I nodded. 'No response from New York fucking City, okay, let's roll!'

I jumped down to a lower level, and another lower level and then to the ground, and started running, feeling the air in my hair and chuckled. This all might seem strange, but I'm free! I've got no responsibilities. No people I care about. No limits. Just me and lots of fun. And New York fucking City and the woods of course. We're happy like this. All fun and games.... but for how long? Shut up me, you're ruining the happiness! I stopped running and sighed. I heard a noise again. 'Those crappy brids.' I mumbled and walked further again! I hated walking, I always have, but yet- wait. What the hell is that?

I stumbled into a darker spot of the forest, but ironicly enought, there was a small house here. I was very surprised and walked towards the old, wooden house that was about to collapse. I looked into one of the windows, but it was way to dark to see anything, so I took out my flashlight, and lay my hand on the door, and pushed.


*Loki's POV*

Down into the darkness itself I had fallen. Into the very core of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life. I didn't scream or cry, tried to flap my arms as sort of wings, I didn't do anything to slow down the fall. Many myths were written about the glorious Tree of Life. But what if you fall into it? No stories about that. Odin had not cried out my name when I fell. Thor did. Will they mourn? Frigga will. I loved her. But she had lied. The wind was sneering in my ears, it hurt and I wanted to blow up something to make it stop.

Where will this end? In it's roots? In nothing? In another time? Or will I stumble across a realm and be able to land on it? My questions and thoughts went as fast as I fell. GODS that wind is annoying! I growled and then my cape flapped into my face. That too? Worst. Day. Ever. Rocks flew across my hair and hit my face, and a cut was now across my cheekbone, and I inhealed sharply, and felt the blood streaming down, and the wind biting my wound.

How long will this take? When will my bitter end come? I hope I will survive. I will make them pay. I will make all of them pay. And take my revenge upon Thor's beloved Midgard. May they all be beware and prepared, may they all be affraid. They all will pay and suffer like I did.


Heyyy readers! I updated again, as you can see! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it wasn't that exciting or long, but it had LOKIIIII in it!!! :D :D :D

Please comment and vote and I shall soon as possible! :D :D Please do tell me what you think, it would be very very helpful!

Thank you and byeeee!

~Dark_Angel_Loki !!! :) <3

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