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that was fast, okay bye x
((read author note at the end))
70 reads and I'll update💗

Alayna's POV:

I'm so done with Cameron, we're best friends how can he do this to me? he knows how much I hate Cara, she treats me like shit and yet he doesn't care. WHAT A DICK UGH!!!

"you alright Alayna?" Lauren has always been there for me through thick and thin and I love her for that💞

"yeah..I'm fine" that 4 letter word...

"hey look, if this is about Cameron then you can forget about that piece of shit of a friend, you have me and Matt and Amanda here, and might I add we're the coolest people you'll ever meet" I love her...

"thank Laur, it's just that he knows how much she's hurt me and it just makes me sick how he can throw me away like that for a slut like her"

"don't worry, once he sees who she really is, he'll come back crawling for you babe"

"yeah sure" I laughed it off just to get it over with, I wasn't going to sulk over my best friend that obviously doesn't give a shit about me.

Cameron's POV:

I was walking home, alone this time because Alayna- to be honest I don't even know what happened? Here I am, walking, walking... walking...

"Cam, wait up" I turn around to find Aaron, he's one of my really good friends, he's my lab partner and he's on the football team with me.

"sup dude" we bro hug (a/n: idek😂)
"hey, where's Alayna?"
"look my life doesn't revolve around Alayna okay?!?" that came out a little too harsh, he backs away slightly.
"sorry man, just a little off right now"
"I heard what happened, Matt told me?"
"really, well can you explain to me because I don't know what the fuck is going on?"
"wow dude, it's obvious man! Alayna hates Cara, Cara hates Alayna. You asked Cara out, Alayna is pissed. BITCH FIGHTTT"
"but why would she care it's not like we went out or anything??"
"she cares because she THOUGHT you were her best friend, no best friend would do that man"
"I really don't understand girl world-"
"it's not that hard?"
"maybe because you'reHA GAYYY"
"hahah very funny Cam, no seriously, would you like it if pft I don't know, if Nash went out with Lily?" Lily is my ex-girlfriend she cheated on me with a freshman, how low..
"HA NO why would he do that- oh wait.."
"I messed up"
"so are you gonna ditch Cara?"
"no I still like her, just need to apologise to Alayna"
He mumbled something, then said goodbye as he needed to get to Soccer club. And with that he left.

Now I need to find Alayna..




oh and picture of Alayna on the side
oh and 1 more thing, PLEASEEEE COMMENT, COMMENT ANYTHING EVEN 'PIZZA' IDC, I sound like a beg but please it would mean so much😊💛


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