Sirius bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair. "Then why the fuck do you care if it's heroin or something different?"

"Because you don't tell me anything!" Remus yelled. "You could have told me at the apartment that it was heroin! I-I-I thought it was fucking sleeping pills or something!"

Sirius scoffed. "Is that even better?"

"No," Remus said softly, rubbing his temples yet again. "But it's heroin, Sirius. Don't you think it wouldn't have been that hard to give me a heads-up?"

"Sorry, I really didn't get the chance as I was worried if James had died or not!" Sirius yelled.

"When we were waiting for Lily? When we were in my apartment? On that fucking strawberry milkshake date? You could had told me then!"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "It's not like you don't have things I don't know about—"

"I'm bipolar, Sirius!"

Sirius froze. He looked up at Remus and furrowed his brows slightly, confused at what Remus had just said.


"I'm bipolar," Remus repeated, softer this time, raking his fingers through his hair. "I didn't tell you."

"Why not?" Sirius questioned.

"It hadn't exactly come up in conversation," he scoffed, laughing slightly.

"Well, it wouldn't be that hard to just tell me one night?"

"Like it wouldn't had been that hard for you to tell me that James was a heroin addict?"

Sirius went quiet. He swallowed hard and looked at his hands as he placed them back in his lap.

"When were you diagnosed?"

"Two years ago," Remus while shaking his head slightly. "It's not a big deal."

Sirius scoffed again. "Are we just going to keep having this conversation?"

Remus sighed as he rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm medicated, Sirius. I have it under control."

Sirius stared at Remus. "Okay," he said softly.

The two sat in silence for a minute as Remus picked at his apron hem.

"Why didn't you text me or something? I was worried sick, Sirius."

Sirius frowned slightly. "James helped me get sober after he was okay to leave the hospital. I-I had come into the hospital, drunk off my arse, and I somehow got into James' room. He-He was already packed, ready to go, literally seconds away from leaving the room when I came to him crying. He wouldn't tell me about what. I presume it was about him.

"We left and he-he helped me get sober, and Pete watched over James. Peter's too good to us, honestly," Sirius said with a small laugh. "I don't know what I would do without him. He's seven months clean, as well. I'm proud to call him my friend."

Remus sighed as he watched Sirius press his lips together. "What is seven months clean from?"

"Opioids," Sirius said softly.

strawberry milkshakes | wolfstar (OFFICIALLY DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now