Vincent Van Gogh

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Humans consider most of the things meaningless which are beyond their comprehension. Many times we don’t value what we have until we lost it.
Do you know who is Vincent Van Gogh? He is one of the most famous painters in the world. Many of you may have heard about the painting ‘The Starry Night’, it is one of the finest paintings of Vincent, which he painted when he was in an asylum. ‘Starry Night’ is one of the most recognized paintings in the history of Western culture.

They say Vincent Van Gogh is a depressed lunatic who drank yellow paint. When I heard this I look at my pen and imagine how this ink would feel in my veins?

They told me that Vincent made nearly 900 paintings in his lifetime but only sold one. I listen to my father complaining, “What would all these writings get him?” I look at my words and how none of them could outweigh the silence of my people and friends. Vincent Van Gogh used to write letters to his younger brother Theo who was an art dealer and provided Vincent with financial and emotional support and access to influential people to the contemporary art scene. They shared a lifelong bond of friendship. Theo kept some letters to him which he received. I think those letters are the symbol of ideal loveable brotherhood. Theo always got his back.

Vincent in one of your letters to the Theo you said, “There are two ways of thinking about painting, how not to do it and how to do it: how to do it - with many drawings and little color; how not to do it - with many colors and little drawing." I feel your words. Maybe it is the same about following passion and living life as you want to.

Vincent Van Gogh cut off his left ear and gave it as a gift to the women he loved. People laughed at him. After I learned about this incident I look at all the poems I wrote for you. Some people think that he did cut his ear because he was a victim of hallucinations and suffered attacks in which he lost consciousness. But I wrote all those poems for you in my complete senses.

Vincent killed himself in a wheat field by shooting near the heart. Vincent was unsuccessful during his lifetime and was considered a madman and a failure. He became famous after his suicide, and exists in the public imagination as the quintessential misunderstood genius, the artist "where discourses on madness and creativity converge".

During his lifetime he was never famous as a painter and struggled to make a living as an artist. Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime, ‘The Red Vineyard’. It was sold for 400 Francs only a few months before his death.

He shot himself and people said what a great artist he was. I look at myself in the mirror and imagine if death increases the value of art…

I wish I had met you, Vincent. I needed to tell you that your paintings and your actions weren’t to make you famous but only a reflection of your desire to live. At least I tell myself that every day.


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