Chapter 16

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Klaus POV

"I love you daddy" I heard her mutter before she completely disappeared from view.

She loves me? How can she love someone she just met? She should have heard the rumors about me. About how evil and cruel I am, about how I'm a monster. How can she so easily said those words?

"Do you love me?"

Do I love her? How could I? Love is weakness.

Sighing, I put these thoughts at the back of my head and went into the mansion.

After I entered, I was stopped midstep on my way to my room by none other than my sister.

"Hello Becca, how may I help you?" I asked annoyed. She looks angry.

Scratch that, she looks furious. "What did you do?!" She yelled.

I winced at the volume of her voice. "Calm down sister, what are talking about?"

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Your daughter, my niece just stormed in here crying and locked herself to her room! I told you Nik! I told you to not ruin this chance and the next second you did just that! So you better suck up your annoying pride and go apologize to her right now or I swear to whoever is there that I will not only crash every single one of your car but you'll wake up the next morning with no roof above your head!"

Now to say I was scared was an understatement. And Kol my amazing(note the sarcasm) brother thought that moment to be a good time to barge in.

"Hello family-" he sang but stopped seing the way Becca looked. He looked at me and questioned, "What did you do? Usually it's me who gets in trouble"

I groaned and opened my mouth to say something when Becca gave me THE look that says 'shut the fuck up', and so being the smart person I am, I did just that.

Kol on the other hand never saw the hint and continued, "So...what? Is no one going to te-"

"Shut up Kol" Becca stopped him and he visibly paled seing the enraged look on her face. Becca seems sweet and all and when she does get angry it's only minor and she gets over it immediately. But seeing her this furious was rare and we know not to cross her when she has this look.

One time she was thus furious at Elijah for reasons that are kept between them, she cut up and ruined every suit he ever has and he was left to wear kol's  t-shirt because she forbid him fr buying for a week.

We all learned not to cross her whenever she's in that state. I'm not saying Elijah in a clothe other than a suit wasn't funny though.

And now, unluckily for me, I'm the one who's currently at the receiving end of her anger. And I do not doubt that she'll do whatever she threatened to do for real.

Groaning, i turned to Kol for help. Je saw this and gave me a sheepishly smile before flashing off to who knows where. Traitor, next time I dagger him, I'll put a skunk in his coffin.

Now, with no other choice left, I begrudgingly drag my feet towards my daughter's room with my sister watching my every move.

Standing in front of her door, I knocked 3 times and heard a 'come in'

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