Chapter 3

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Angel POV

It's dark. I can't see anything. I can feel some kind of liquid dripping from my head, it hurts! Where am I?

*Creak* that's the sound of a door opening. Wait, that sound, it's familiar. A sound I hated back when..."gasp! No! Please don't come. NO!"

This can't be happening! Its not real!
"Hello sweety" that sweet sickly voice  I hate the most said. No no no. This is not real.

The figure that came from the door slowly came to me. It's getting colder and closer each step it takes.

It in front of me...NO!

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Sweat is evident in my forehead.

Looking around clearly, I'm still in the room aunt Becca gave me. I gave a sigh of relief. It's just a dream, it's not real. It's just a dream, I repeated.

Looking out the window, I notice it's still dark. Reaching for my phone beside me, I checked the time. 3:45 am. " It's too early"  I muttered.

I can't sleep now after that horrible nightmare. What should I do? Hmm.

Now that I remember, daddy's room is just across mine right? I think when I'm beside him, I can sleep peacefully.
Let's try that, besides I can also form a bond that way.

Making my way out and onto the door opposite to my own I stopped. Should i knock or not? I questioned myself.

Deciding not to as to not disturb his sleep, I opened the door. The door creaked, a sound that still haunts me until now.

Walking in and closing the door behind me, I made my way to the bed.
"What are you doing?" A hoarse voice asked.

I jump startled. Looking to where the sound came from, I saw daddy.
"Well, I was hoping I could sleep with you? I had a nightmare" I chuckled nervously.

He groaned and whispered a "no".
"Please" I begged almost desperately.
He looked at me and sighed. "Fine, but just this once"

I beamed. " Thankyou! But about your 'just this once' . I will make no such promises" I said and almost skipped into his bed. He groaned.

Lying down onto the bed, he turned around so he was facing away from me. I frowned but let it slide for now since I'm tired. I snuggled into his back and hugged him. Seconds later, I'm sleeping.


Klaus POV

After my so called 'daughter' made her way into my bed, I turned the other way around.

I thought she would complain at first but seconds later it never came. All I felt was an arm making their way around me and her calm breathing signalling she's asleep.

I wonder what her nightmare was about that made her so scared. I heard her scream before she came into my room.

It was filled with fear and pain, one that shouldn't have come from a small child like her.

I fell asleep later on with her filling my mind. But that doesn't mean I'm worried, no. It can't be, why would I be worried to someone who may not be related to me.

Well I guess we'll find out tomorrow if she's really my daughter or not.

I can feel the warmth of the sun in my face coming from the window. That's weird, usually I'd be awake right now. But I can't seem to bring myself to do it. Especially with a nice warm hugging pillow....wait, since when did I have a hugging pillow?

Forcing my eyes to open, I looked at the thing that I'm hugging. It's my so called 'daughter'. What? But how?

Slowly, the memories from last night filled my mind. Oh, now remember, but I fell asleep last night facing away from her, how did this happen?

Must be a coincidence. Looking closely at her face, it looks so peaceful, far different than the one she had last night after her nightmare. Last night she looked scared and in pain. She looked so broken and fragile. I wonder what her dream was about?

Wait! Why am I worrying about her?
"Mmh" I heard a groan coming from her. She must be waking up.

Slowly her eyes fluttered open. "Morning daddy" she smiled softly. 'Cute' I thought. My daughter is so cute. Wait what?! Did I just acknowledge her as my daughter in my mind just now?!

Quickly I pushed her away from me and stood. "Hurry up and leave my room" I ordered. I notice a flash of pain go through her eyes for a moment but it quickly disappeared.

Huh? Must be my imagination. Slowly she stood and made her way toward the door, but before she went out she looked back to me. "I love you" she smiled.

I must be out of my mind! Did I just want to reply ' I love you too '  just now?!

Without another word, she went out of the room.

What did she do to me?! I did not just want to say I love you to her just now! No! It's not possible. It's not even sure if she's my real daughter or not.

I am so doomed if I already took a liking to her. I inwardly sigh because of my thoughts

I don't believe in God but, oh God!


Chapter 3 done! Yay! I hope you like it 😊

His Little AngelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin