Chapter 7

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Angel POV

I was laying on my bed thinking of plans on how to lay low and not attract any unnecessary attention and wait until that person is out of town when someone suddenly knocked.

"Come in" I said. The door opened revealing daddy. I shoot up from my bed and ran to him using my vampire speed then hugged him tightly. "Daddy!" I exclaimed, long forgotten are the problems at hand.

Looking up at him questioningly I asked "What can I do for you?"

He looked down at me and sighed. "My sister, your aunt told me to spend the day with you and build some kind of 'bond' as she liked to call it or she'll crash every singel one of my cars. So here we are now."

I almost jumped 6 feet high. Here I was worrying on how to bond with daddy and aunt Becca suddenly swoops in like a guardian angel. Aunt Becca you are the best!


Klaus POV

Looking at her excited face I didn't notice a smile creeping on my face.

I bent down to her level and asked "Alright love, where do you wanna go?"

"Let's go to the park!"

Moments later we are walking to the park. Well more like she's walking while dragging me.

"Look daddy, ice cream! Let's buy some!" She exclaimed.

She all but dragged me, again! Towards the ice cream. "Alright love, what flavor do you want?" I asked.

She surveyed the flavors that's available and pointed at one particular flavor. "Strawberry!"

I bought her one and gave it to her. She looked at me skeptically "aren't you going to buy one for yourself?"

"No, I don't like sweets" I answered. "Oh" she mumbled seeming deflated.

I was going to comfort her for some kind of reasons unknown but then she suddenly raised her head and looked at me. My hand stopping midway from touching her. "Let's go play on the swing!"   she beamed.

Surprised at her sudden outbursts of energy I didn't notice how she dragged me towards the swing. Seriously, what's with her and the dragging?!

Stopping just right in front of the swing she looked at me and smiled. "Will you push me?" She said and stared at me with puppy eyes. What's with that! It's unfair.

I reluctantly nodded my head. "Yay!" She squeeled and moved to sit on the swing.

She stopped midway and seemingly froze. I looked at her questioningly.

Seeing how her eyes is staring at a certain spot, I followed her line of vission and found a guy on a bench sitting, oblivious to the look Jes getting from her.

When I looked at her ready to ask what's wrong, she held my hand and looked up at me. The eyes that was filled with light, excitement, and happiness earlier long gone, now replaced with so much fear unbefitting of that of a child.

With shaky hands she said "Daddy, let's go home. I'm not feeling well"

Deciding that now is not the best time to ask any questions, I took her hand in mine and rushed us back to the mansion with vampire speed.

Walking inside, we were greeted by Rebecca who stopped at seeing the look on my daughter's face. Daughter, a word I never thought would ever be a part of my life.

Instead of asking the person herself, Rebecca looked at me and asked "what happened?"

I looked at her and shook my head indicating that I don't know.

"Excuse me for a moment" a small voice  broke through the silence.

I looked at my daughter as she ran up to her room.

Silence once again enveloping the place.

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