Chapter 15

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Angel POV

Tears gathered in her eyes as it glistened in the sun before finally falling down her cheeks. Wow, I made the Katherine Pierce cry. I should get a trophy for this.

"How?" She manages out. "You're father didn't kill her. She was alive all this time and now, like you, a vampire" I said.

"Where is she?" She asked. "That I don't know. Last time I saw her, she was in New Orleans. She's also looking  for you. Names Nadia. Good luck" and with that, I sped off towards the mansion.

Stopping in the backyard, I see daddy sitting in one of the bench. I made my way towards him and put on a smiling face.

"Hey daddy!" I exclaimed. "Where you've been?"

Hearing the voice, he looked at me. "Hello little one, just needed some fresh air. You on the other hand.."

I grinned at him sheepishly. "Just here and there"

"So..what's up?" I asked. He looked at me questioningly. "Why'd you come in the art room? You and I both know that only you go there to think or free your mind off of things, meaning something came up. So, what is it?" I answered his unspoken question.

"Nothing. You on the other hand, why'd you froze when you saw that man at the park?"he asked. Now this wasn't where I want the conversation to go.

"Past" I answered shortly. Apparently, he's not taking that for an answer. "And.." he insisted.

I huffed. "I'll tell you once you answer my question. " I offered.

"Alright, bring it on"

"Do you love me?" I asked. That seems to shock him. Is it so much for him to love me?

"Love is weakness, and I am not weak" he all but growled.

"Yes, but you haven't answered yet, do you love me?" I asked once more. This seems to take him off because when he looked at me(mostly glared) his eyes were yellow, meaning that his wolf is surfacing.

"I am not weak!" This time, he surely growled.But this time I'm becoming irritated. Is it too much to ask for just an answer. Yes/No, that all I'm asking.

"I'm not saying you are! All I'm asking is if you love me, yes or no?" I growled back, my eyes also shined of my wolf.

"I am not answering some stupid question!"

"Fine! Then I'm not answering yours! " And with that, I left. But before completely leaving I whispered. "I love you, daddy"

I know he heard it.

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