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"fuck please Jin-Hyung!!"

"I told you Jeongguk...He needs time and please understand that what you did hurt Taehyung really bad."

It was already been a week and Jeongguk keeps on going at the shop, looking over for Taehyung to talk.

Taehyung would hide and let Jin talk to Jeongguk either Namjoon, they would shooed him away and even though Taehyung feels bad, He ain't that stupid to forger what Jeongguk does to him.

He have hurt him big time and those words have hurt him so bad.

He can't even imagine Jeongguk playing games.

He looks very sincere and the way he would always go every single day at the shop to spend those wasted times with Taehyung makes him feels like he is real. For real.

And today, Jeongguk was on the shop again. He isn't banging the door, nor he isn't a drunkard who would immediately walk to Taehyung and ramble. He isn't doing anything stupid.

He is there. Completely sober. Completely normal. Taehyung his sincerity and he wants to give it up to Jeongguk. He wants to hear his sides too.

"Taehyung I think he isn't going to stop until your shop is closed." Jimin says as he lean into the counter Taehyung was busy wrapping an order. Jeongguk was talking with Jin again.

There's this one night when Jeongguk was planning to visit and has the guts to finally talk to Taehyung, Jin was there that even him can't stop Jeongguk so Namjoon had to step in, saying he will call the police right away so Jeongguk stopped, Taehyung just cried after that.

"Why don't you try and talk to him?" Jimin asked as he sighs looking at him. "I don't think I can talk right now." He admitted as he immediately wrap the flowers into one and smiled at the person, taking the payment and waving goodbye.

"Don't you think he visited enough? Maybe a listen and talk will do right?" Jimin was wearing his hopeful eye s again, and Taehyung can't say no. Instead, he sighed and glare at Jimin.

"Im not telling you to do so. Im suggesting the best."
He said and Taehyung smiled.

"I'll try and talk to him later. Thought you were going with Yoongi in a business matter?" He sees the olders eyes widen as he immediately look at the big clock, mumbling a soft cursed under his breath.

"I have to really go. Yoongi is probably man at me."
Taehyung just smiled and shooed him.

After he waved goodbye he look at Jeongguk outside with Jin as he sighed.

'Why are you still there?' he walk up to them, face firm as he look down.

"Taehyung!" He heard him exclaimed his name.

Damn, he missed it. He missed him.

"Please T-Tae...I wanna explain my side too....Please just an explanation will do.." Jin hyung was blocking him everytime he would try to budge Taehyung who is now behind Seokjin.

"I told you Jeongguk, Taehyung can't talk right now and prolly I won't let him talk-"

"It's okay Jin-Hyung....Maybe uh, you can leave us for awhile." He heard Jeongguk sigh in relief as Jin was looking at him bewildered as if he was going crazy.

Ofcourse he is. He crazy, going, for this certain someone.

"B-But Taehyung, what if this bastard will hurt you-"
"You will be there right? And I don't think he can hurt me ever again." He says bitterly making Jeongguk look down.

"Please?" Taehyung plea and Jin sighed nodding his head, excusing himself making Jeongguk immediately snap out of his thoughts and walk up to Taehyung but fastly he was being stopped.

"I don't want you near me." He was so firm but it isn't cold, it has this soft feeling, and Jeongguk is expecting it to be the certain feeling he is still hoping. Love.

"Taehyung please....I wanna talk to you about it. I swear i-"

"Not here. The shop is about to closed soon, maybe we can talk later. You can go home for now Jeongguk, you have been here all day." He says looking down.

He was hesitating to look at Jeongguk's eyes, because he knows he will be backing out if he do.
He knows he will run after him if he do.


"Don't be so stubborn and just freaking listen to me.
Go home, eat and come back here. We can talk after that." He says and Jeongguk sighed.

He was looking at Taehyung but the other didn't even have the guts to look over at him.. He have been regretting it all.

He have been regretting the time when he did have the chance to back out but he didn't and he continued.
Afraid. He was afriad of being lose.
But now that Taehyung is here, in fornt of him, completely haitng him and building wall between them makes him feels so weak, and he knows he can't climb those walls if he won't apologize as soon as possible.

He loves Taehyung. He love shim truly that's why he is backing out. Maybe it's because Taehyung have completely change him.

He have completely has his control around him. Maybe it's because of his deep angelic voice. Or maybe because of how he talk as if he is so free, or maybe because of how beautiful and gorgeous he is. Maybe because he is a total angel.

An angel. He is Kim Taehyung.

And Jeongguk have fall for him real hard.

"O-Okay...I'll be back." Taehyung nod and Jeongguk waved goodbye, he didn't answered and just let him off.

He sighed and walk back, trying to be ready for the night. He would be lying if he said he isn't afraid at all.
Hell he is. Very.

He is afraid that maybe Jeongguk will officially tell him those expected words. Maybe he will officially turn Taehyung down.

And he is afraid of being alone again.

Jeongguk even promise.

He promise to not leave him alone and yet he did.
And plus points because he have hurt him. Big time

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