33. Past: Hope

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"You jest" He growled his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Acxel, for the first time wanted to not believe in his cousin's words and call him a liar.

Aeden didn't flinch as he met Acxel's sharp gaze.


Acxel knew Aeden would never lie or avoid eye contact. He would always, always look straight at Acxel's eyes and that trait and silent gesture is what Acxel appreciate about his cousin.

It speaks of their unspoken trust and bond between them.

"You know, I don't" Aeden answered with difficulty.

If he could, Aeden would like it if it was the case. However, he made an investigation and his men were meticulous and sharp as they conduct their investigation thoroughly in every angle, it was impossible for them to make a loophole or mistake.

"So you're telling me...Sahara...she...."

Gritting his teeth and clenching both hands into fists, Acxel could feel something vile and acid forming in his gut as his blood boils with a surge of violent fury.

"She couldn't...she can't possibly just put up a façade as she tried and think of a ruse to make me do that and take her innocence!"

Seeing Acxel confused, betrayed, hurt and angry, Aeden fisted both his hands on his side. He too, refused to believe that Sahara betrayed Acxel's trust and used him for whatever personal reason or gain she thought she could use against his cousin.

"I didn't say she only put an act—"

"Then what? What could be a possible reason why she drugged her own wine drank it and came to me? The dose was too much and no cold water or medicine could help her that time. She could even die because of that damned drugged and now you're telling me, she's nothing but a calculative and manipulative bitch, who would not hesitate to gamble her fucking life just to deceive me, use me and make me sleep with her?!"

Hurt by the pain of betrayal and furious at her and himself, Acxel could only stood up and turn his back on his cousin.

Aeden stood quietly behind him, waiting, watching him.

The room was filled with nothing but heavy silence and cold air for a long time.

"Anything else, I need to know?" Acxel asked calmly in his deep voice, void of any heat, emotion or anything that can indicate what he was feeling right now.


Aeden knew Acxel was putting up his tall walls again...

"Sahara met Oralia before she drugged herself"

"Did she have something to do with Sahara?"

"I'm not sure. In the cctv, it was shown that they only converse for a while and Oralia left immediately. I also made an investigation on her...and she was cleared" Aeden sighed, "It was Sahara who bought the aphrodisiac drug and nobody, not even the bartender put anything on her drink, it was only her"

"I see..."

Being used to the recent Acxel who was beginning to open up before the incident, Aeden was feeling uncomfortable being confronted now by the old Acxel before they met Sahara.

Not liking it

"Ask her" Aeden calmly made a suggestion that he knew his cousin would not like.


"Ask her and make her explain"

Acxel slowly turned around.

Saying Aeden was surprised was putting it lightly. The expression he saw on his cousin's face was unexpected.


Aeden never thought Acxel would or could feel hope as he never believe in anything but himself and his capabilities.

"You're right...I should give her the benefit of a doubt" He said softly. He was consumed by his own thoughts and emotion that he could not think rationally.

But he soon regretted that decision


I'm sorry for the cliffhanger (╥﹏╥) as I'm still currently writing the continuation of their previous life.

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