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"I'll miss you alot" you giggled as Louis placed a hand on your knee.

You were sat in nandos with the boys, sophia and perrie as the rain fell outside.

"Don't worry we'll make sure he's good" Harry mumbled as Niall took another bite of your chicken.

"Are you sure you don't mind me eating this?" Niall asked, his blue eyes shining.

"Its fine" you beamed at him as Louis snuggled up to your side.

"We have to go home soon babe" He said, moving some strands of your hair from your eyes.

"Why?" You pondered,  you were having a great time and didnt want to spoil it. You didnt even bother to look at him.

"Because I have something to show you.." he said, moving his hand further up your leg.

You flinched.

"Not hear!" You hissed at him as the boys laughed and wolf whistled.

He kissed the skin behind your ear as  you bite your lip.

He suddenly jumped up.

"C, mon then!" He said, taking your hand and pulling you up towards him.

"Louis whats the rush!?" You asked him pulling from his grasp as he stepped into the cold night.

"I want you" he whispered,  cupping your cheeks with his hands.

"Okay" you sighed and got into the car.

As you went to put your seatbelt on you felt Louis' lips on yours. You could taste your cherry chapstick he had used earlier.

You felt his hands in your hair as you tugged at the hem of his shirt, feeling the soft cotton on your skin.

"We can't do it here! " you told him, trying to break the kiss. He relented.

"Why not?" He stuck his cold left hand inbetween your thighs, making you moan.

"People will see" you ran your fingers along his abs, feeling the structure of his six-pack.

"The windows are blacked out" he smiled into the kiss, laying on top of you. You failed to answer as his hand trailed under your top, his touch burned your skin, but you liked it.

Louis' toungue made its way into your mouth as you took a handful of his soft hair in the palms of your hand.

He tugged at your shirt, pulling it over your head as you fumbled with his jeans.

"I thought you said you didn't want to" louis said.

You smiled.

"Do you have protection Lou?"

"Yeah" he said, pulling a silver packet from his phone pocket.

He layed you down, kissing you softly.

He lay on top of you as you took  7 inches of his doncaster meat in your hands, staring into his eyes.

"I love you" He whispered, kissing your forehead.

You took his member in your mouth as he moaned in pleasure, tracing his fingers down the trail of your back. You gagged on the mouthful as he cupped your breasts in his hands, whispering dirty thoughts in your ear.

"I wanna fuck you so bad" he moaned, pulling your hair as he stuck his member into you.

You groaned in pleasure as he rocked you hard, you told him you loved him countless times.

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

1D Smut, Pref and imagines.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu