
"I'm not joking around, Jaemin", I told him.

"Just give me the pillow then", he muttered and laid down on the couch.

I got the pillow and gave it to him and placed the damped towel on his forehead.

"I'll get my laptop so that I can work on my essay here", I told him and got up.

"You should stay in your room instead", Jaemin said. "You might get distracted by me"

"I'm always distracted because of you", I said and chuckled. He smiled at me. "I'll get them quickly"

I went to my room and got my books and my laptop so that I could work on the essay. I set them down on the coffee table and started to study.

"I'm back", Jaehyun said with a plastic bag in his hand. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and set it on the coffee table. "Drink them"

"Jaehyun, can you look over Jaemin tomorrow?", I asked him a favor. "I don't think he can go to school in this situation"

"Alright", Jaehyun replied.

"But I want to go to school", Jaemin argued.

"No, you're not", I said seriously. "You need to rest. Physically and mentally"

He didn't argue anymore and took the medicine, then laying back down to sleep.

"Have a good day at school!", Jaehyun exclaimed as he dropped me off.

"I will, make sure you take care of Jaemin!", I responded.

I walked towards my classroom and saw that everyone was rushing on doing the papers they needed to submit before Christmas break. I thankfully finished mine last night while looking after Jaemin.

"Hey Sera", Harvey called me.

"Yes?", I questioned as I took my seat.

"Did you finish your essay and papers?", he asked.

"Yeah, why?", I asked him.

"Can you help me out with mine?", he asked me for help. "I just need one more paragraph and I'll be done"

"Sure, we have free period after this class right?", I questioned and he nodded. "I'll help you then"

"Thanks a lot, you're a savior", he said as he was editing his paper. He looked at me all of a sudden. "Right! We have a meeting later. Mark won't be there and Jisung as well sadly. It's basically just the three of us"

"Are you sure?", I asked.

"Yeah, Chenle and I will make sure that Mark won't find out about it", he replied. "We've also missed you a lot. We're just going to hangout though and catch up!"

"Sure, I'll be there after school", I accepted.

"Good morning class", the teacher said as he placed his laptop and book on the desk and started to ask us questions.

It was finally dismissal and I was heading towards the club room. I went in and closed the door, looking around to meet eyes with Mark who was also in the room.

"Why are you here?", Mark asked.

"Could ask the same", I said and saw that Mark was about to leave the room but the door was locked.

"I'm sorry, this was Chenle's idea!", Harvey said on the other side of the door where Mark was at.

I tried to open the door that I used to enter but it was also locked.

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