Chapter 8: Killing Two Birds With One Stone

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They'd spent all of Saturday naked and eating junk food they'd ordered to last them the whole day. They had never talked as much as they did today. Lorato couldn't believe how happy Terry made her, effortlessly so.

"So we've played truth or dare, naked twister-"

"Let's play 50 questions."

"Argh no Lola! You know I hate your line of questioning. We were just arguing about this with Truth or Dare."

"Pretty please," she pouted. "I'll try not fish." She grimaced. "It will be fun, I promise."

"Fine." Terry shook his head, knowing very well this was a trick to getting him talk about his past relationships.

She moved closer, cuddling him and kissed him all over his face before pulling the sheet up to keep warm.

"Are you going first or am I?"

"That's already question 1 and you can go again."

She laughed and shook her head, not wanting to argue.

"Touché! Okay, what's your favourite colour?"

"White. Your favourite meal of the day?"

"Dinner. City or village?"

He paused, weighing his options.

"I'm torn." He admitted. "But if I had to choose now I'd say city because of my business and my bae."

Lola rolled her eyes and blushed.

"Ha-ha. Very funny."

"I'm serious." He gave her a peck. "Dream holiday trip?"

"Honestly?" She asked and he nodded. "Anywhere I get to be like this with you."

"Argh, stop with the mushy stuff!" He teased before kissing her. "I love you too." She kissed him.

"Okay, uhm, who's your favourite family member?"

"My little sister, annoying as she is."

"I always knew you had a soft spot for her."

"I think it's because she's the only girl, and I still think she's forever be the baby in the family."

A lump formed in Lola's throat at his words, and the sudden urge to cry had her pause.

"Babe," Terry looked at her worriedly and Lorato looked up at him.

"Terry, I'm pregnant."


"I don't know h-how it's calculated but last weekend the do-doctor said I was almost 10 weeks."

"You're pregnant?" Terry asked. "We are pregnant!"

Lola nodded, trying in vain to gauge Terry's reaction. He shifted, moving Lola from on top of him so she could look at her to see if she was being serious.

"This is great news baby!"

She shrugged and smiled nervously at him.

"Yeah, I guess."

"You guess?" He looked taken aback by her response.

"Terry, a baby is such a huge responsibility. It's such a big change in a very short amount of time. This is a life we're talking about." She was trying very hard not to cry.

"Yes, of course. You're right. I can see you're scared, and uncertain about a lot of things."

"I mean, aren't you?" She wiped at a stray tear. "Our relationship is still very new, and I am only now trying to figure my life out. How on earth am I expected to love, care and nurture another human being when I can barely care for myself."

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