Chapter 7: Baking!

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"Well, Miss Mokwena, it looks like congratulations are in order." The nurse said.

"Congratulations for what?" Lorato asked as she let out a confused laugh.

"She's pregnant?" Boity asked excitedly making Lola freeze in shock.

"That's what the blood tests say. The doctor will be coming in shortly so you can do a scan to find out how far along you are."

Boity hugged a motionless Lola as the nurse left, already talking about what gender she'd prefer.

"Lola," Boity shook her friend. "Lola, are you okay?"

Lola turned to look at her friend, still feeling confused. It all felt so surreal. She felt her stomach turn and was suddenly hit by a dizzy spell.

"I...I...I'm-" Darkness consumed her just as she saw a doctor walk into the room.

It wasn't long before she came to. The doctor offered her a glass of water and she took a few sips before giving it back.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded slowly, and passed the two worried faces in front of her a weak smile.

"This can be sometimes overwhelming, especially if it's an unplanned pregnancy. I can ensure that you get counselling if you think there-"

"That won't be necessary."

"Do you want us to do the scan or will you schedule for another time?"

"Ye-Yes. I mean," she took a deep breath "Now would b-be great."

The doctor kept talking as he did his scan, and all she could do was stare at the monitor. She knew Boity was probably asking herself a lot of questions. She was asking herself a lot of questions too. Lorato didn't know what she was feeling other than the shock. They walked out of the private clinic with a 10 weeks baby in her belly, and passed by a supermarket to get snacks before walking home in silence. They spent most of the day binging on their favourite sitcom, and neither of them laughed at their favourite parts.

"So, what are you going to do?" Boity asked as she packed her overnight bag.

There was a long pause.

"I honestly don't know."

"You two never used protection?"

"I've been thinking about that all morning, and I don't ever remember us using any. How could I have been so reckless?"

Boity said nothing, not knowing how to respond.

"You should probably tell Terry. The two of you need to figure things out, together."

Lorato knew her friend was right, but she couldn't. At least not now. She had escorted Boity out where Kgosi was waiting for her. After waving them off, she took a long hot bath and called her father. He had become her source of joy and comfort, and she longed to hear his reassuring words.

The week dragged by, and Lorato found herself having to lie to Terry almost every day. He could tell something was bothering her, and each time he asked, she'd put on one of her brightest smiles and told him she was perfect. Lorato resorted to making excuses as to why they cannot have lunches together, and lied about having to be somewhere all week so she wouldn't need a ride from Terry. He had tried to put up a fight, and looked convinced that something was definitely bothering Lorato.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" Terry asked her.

"Tomorrow?" Lorato was distracted.

"Yes, tomorrow. Friday?"

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