Chapter 2: Opening Up

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The morning sun rays hitting on her face woke Lorato and she rubbed her eyes as she tried to make out where she was. She was sure of her safety because she could smell her best friend. Disappointment hit her when she realized she was all alone.

"Good morning sunshine." Terry said as he walked in the room with a tray.

"Am I being spoiled with breakfast in bed?" she quipped.

"You call it breakfast, I call it hair of the dog!"

"Hhayi maan Terry! I told you I hate that phrase."

He laughed.

"I told you I hate being in compromising situations, especially in public but you didn't see me complaining last night."

"What? What happened?"

He shrugged, and took his plate from the tray.


"Surprisingly, I'm not hungover, but I am hungry so thank you."

Terry narrated the events from the previous night, making sure to add spices that made him look like a guardian angel that didn't deserve the treatment he got from her.

"You want to talk about your sister's engagement?" He asked once Lola returned from the kitchen.

"No, not really."

"You know you can talk to me without fearing judgement, right?"

"I know." Terry noticed the tears she fought to hold back. "I know everybody thinks I'm jealous that my little sister is getting married before me and has her life in order in general while I'm a 27 year old spinster who-"

"You're not 27 for at least 5 months."

"A 27 year old," Lorato insisted, "Who has no solid plans for her future, works a job she hates, can't hold down a man for more than 6 months and who may or may not be walking around with one boob."

It took some time for Terry to register the last part.

"May what?" He sat up and looked at Lola for clarity. "What did you just say? Do you have... Are you... Did you just say they may cut off your breast?"

"Nothing has been confirmed yet. The doctors say we'll know for sure in 2-3 weeks."

"What does that mean?" Terry was panicking and Lola didn't know why she had told him. She should have known he'd be like this.

"I found a lump in my breast is what it means. My appointment for the operation is in two weeks and the results of the lump will be a week after the op." Lola couldn't stop her tears from falling.

"Why didn't you tell me? Who did you tell? When did you find out?"

"Nobody knows. Everyone is busy with their own lives and own problems. I didn't want to burden anyone with mine. I'm tired of always being the bearer of bad news."

"Lolo!" He only called her that when he was annoyed or angry.

"Please Terry. Now you know. Can we please stop talking about it."

"Last I checked we were friends. The best of friends, actually, which means we share everything. Good and bad. I know we haven't been doing that for some time but... We're going to do this together whether you like it or not. We'll go see a specialist today. I'll handle everything. Cancel with your doctor."

"No, I can't. I've already paid too much for consultations an-"

"What do you mean paid? Doesn't your medical insurance cover it?"

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