Chapter 24 - The Question

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The update is here! Although I am going to update this story a lot in the next 24 hours until it's finished, I can still torture yo- I MEAN entertain you with the plot. Enjoy! 

The last day of the month (B/c I know ya'll can't wait longer.)

Ladybug's POV

"And now, Ladybug will say a few words."

I walked up the stage as I saw many people out there, waving at me. I walked up to the podium where Chloe was standing. Chat Noir hadn't shown up yet, I didn't know if he was coming. The dress I made was breathable, but I felt uncomfortable without him by me. I took a deep breath and began to speak into the microphone.

"Hello. Now you guys might be expecting some amazing speech, but really, I have a bit stage fright strangely enough." The crowd laughed and it boosted my confidence. "I want to thank all of you guys for supporting us, bringing us in when we needed help, and cheering us on. A special shout out to some people who mean a little more to me, starting with the Ladyblogger herself." I look straight at Alya, who was almost freaking out in excitement as a spotlight went to her. I continued speaking.

"Alya is a caring person, who would always give me confidence, toward my civilian and superhero identities. Mind you, she was a bit nosy trying to find out my identity, but she is the sweetest, little angel I know." Alya almost began crying in joy as I smiled and went on to the next person.

"Nino was a very cool guy, who always tried putting his friends needs before his. He can lighten the mood when it was dark, I would consider him as a big brother to me." Nino began getting teary-eyed as well, clearly happy for what I said and I continued on.

"Another person I misjudged was Chloe. She only wanted to be cared for, to have someone be by her side. I at times know how that feels, to be lonely and un-included. Which is why I am glad she has decided to try and fix everything by hosting this ball. I give all of my thanks to Chloe and am glad to be a friend for her if she needs one." Chloe was over on the side of the stage, smiling and dabbing her eyes with a cloth, trying not to ruin her makeup, but she was so happy.

"Adrien was someone I misjudged as well. And it turns out that he was the exact opposite of what I thought he was. Even though he said he couldn't make it tonight, I am very glad for all his gestures of kindness, even when it was hardest." I took a deep breath, trying to calm down from the stage fright. Then I thought of how to fix it, by thinking of a certain kitty.

"You guys may be familiar with the most impactful person on my life. I used to see him as just a friend, but soon, that turned into something more. Casual hellos became daily visits. I realized after a while how much he actually meant to me. How much he has watched over me. How much he has cared for me. The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was meeting Paris' black cat, Chat Noir." I heard a similar sound of metal extending and shrinking beside me. I looked over and saw Chat in the suit I made him as he smiled towards me.

"Well, what pur-ecious words those were. I'm sure he feels the same way M'lady."

Another time skip cause I'm lazy

Chat Noir's POV

I stood by Ladybug, holding her hand, as the press asked us questions. Ladybug answered most of them, but occasionally I would give in my opinion, getting a laugh from the paparazzi and a groan from Ladybug. I looked over at Chloe, hoping she would get my signal for help. She saw me then rushed straight over.

"Questions after, a really good song is coming on!"

I inwardly sighed in relief as I held my arm out to Ladybug. She took it with a smile and we began walk over to where people were dancing. The clouds were low tonight, so I had an idea.

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