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Lexander's heart raced, pounding with nervousness. This woman doesn't have any idea what she's doing. His sweat dropped like the size of the rain drops. The woman wiggles her eyebrows weirdly, she walked slowly like a stiff model on her catwalk. He turned around to see his great-grandfather drinking shots with Harold. Now Harold was drinking with his glass.

How can I escape this trap? He thinks too much. Be flexible and flirt hard. Then dump her.

That wouldn't be a good idea. Gentlemen's rule no. 5: Never play with women. Lexander approached the maid, slipping his hands on his pockets. "Hello, what's your name?"

"Celeste." Her eyes were filled with lust. She ran her hand on his chest. "how about you?"

"Lexander." He inhaled, made himself stiff and breathless. Celeste leaned over his ears, whispered. "You're hot."

"Miss Celeste, can you please take off your hand?"

Celeste took away his hand and looked at him, giving him a glare. "I want you." Her lips moved slowly as she lowered her voice. Possessive. Yes, she's manipulating his decision.

"It's weird, m'lady because I..." His thoughts swooshed back to Victoria. Her lips, her smile, and her everything.

"But I want you, Lexander. You are my love at first sight." Wow how blunt is that? She didn't know him even he's not from the Victorian Era. Too blunt to fall in love.

Eek! This is a challenge! Who will steal his heart? Tomboyish Victoria or the seductive maiden named Celeste? Like Miss Beauty and Veronica, who will also snatch Adam's heart?

Great-grandfather like great-grandson.

"Ma'am I'm afraid we might be fired if our lord-"

Celeste hushed him. "We can love each other secretly." Her eyes flickered with sin. Lexander have no idea what to do and walked past by her, leaving her behind.

He could hear her sweared. Celeste bent over and continued to sweep the floor. His great-grandfather and Harold's sinister laughter hollered through the Ballroom as they're enjoying their bachelor life. Lexander wandered around the hallway, his eyes examined the decors in the hall. Gold was commonly used to design, especially to the carved ceilings.

Then he saw the jar, it rested on the drawing desk with a huge leather-cased book. He went over it, studying the features. The jar, yes, it's the same as the one in the forbidden bedroom. After the jar, he read the title of the book. How to court a lady in this era.

He touched the leather. Still new and freshly published. But he was wondering if where it was placed in his 21st century life. "I think Miss Vivorie had it burned." He murmured. He lifted up his head, through the mirror in front of him, he saw Adam walking with Harold draping their arms around each other and rambled across the floor.

He approached them. Good thanks! Mrs. Jacqueline appeared, helping them to his bedchamber. Lexander places Harold's arm around his neck and walked away to the servant's court. As they arrive at his butler's room, he carefully had him lie down on his bed. He grunted.

Lexander shook his head. "Early shots... Oh dear." He went out and closed the door slowly, hearing him snoring in his bass tone. Mrs. Jacqueline hurried up to him.

"Early frustrations got them drunk! You have to know that, young man!" She tapped his shoulder, giving him a nod. Lexander smiled and went back to his great-grandfather's bedchamber. He stood there on the doorway, guarding. That's what most bodyguards do.

He thought. Veronica was his childhood friend and Vivorie was her sister then she's Victoria's great-grandmother and... His mind went fussed. Miss Beauty was his love but she wants him to love Veronica so they're might be cousins. Vivorie was Victoria's greatgrandmother. Then why was it that she brought the Manor instead of Veronica or Miss Beauty? Then why Granny Vine said he killed himself in his bedroom? Was it because the Duchess Dowager forced them to marry instead of Miss Beauty?

Miss Beauty... Who's she?

Lexander took a glance at the door. It was the same room where he stayed. The Forbidden Room. He turned around and saw Celeste lurking around the corner. Her evil smirk on her face. "Celeste, do you believe the essence of love?"

She walked out from the corner and her grin went wide. She walks with hips swayed sexily. "I do, why do you have that question, Lexander?" They're alone in the hallway. Celeste ran her fingertips on his neck to his jawline. She leaned forward, an inch between their lips. "Do you love me?"

"It's not what you mean, Celeste." He stepped back and turned around. Lexander looked at the ceiling then bows his head down to the floor. He craned his neck. "Do you know the courtship etiquettes?"

"I knew them but I don't need to follow them."


"Because it's sacrifice." She hugged him on his back. Her head leaned on his broad shoulders.

"It's sacrifice if you know how to respect." Lexander gently removes her hands from his stomach and walked back to the door of the Forbidden Room. Celeste huffed in anger and dashed towards the exit door of the hall. He groaned. Out of four hundred maidservants, she's the one playing with him?

Soft talks, seductive looks, and sinful eyes were her techniques? Was she thinks that he had six pack abs with chiseled jawline and beautiful blue eyes? He forced to cut his long hair just to look clean and gentlemanly. What do she thought of him? A Greek god of Olympus? Zeus? Who intermarries his sister just to create a better paradise?

What's in the letter? Lexander tiptoed to the Ballroom. He was searching for the latest letter from Miss Beauty. It was placed on the table, never been touched. He took it and read the passage.

10th May 1843
Dearest Man

We've been courting through this letter, my lord. It's been months since the Masquerade and I was not allowed to communicate with you that's why I used to send you secretly. I sometimes dabbed the quill on the table and sighed in exhaustion. Because I discovered that Veronica loves you. But her mouth was kept shut, isolating herself to the public. She's isn't the same girl before, the rugged tomboy. She's the woman you never expected. Gentle, sweet, and modest. I really like her. But the Duchess Dowager concealed her from most gentlemen including you. I felt sorry for her. Because I love you, I'm willing to let you go. Please love her... Love her like you did to me.

Your love,
Miss Beauty

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