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Sheffield, England - 1843

"Adam Lambert! The ball is going to start!" Jacqueline bursted into his bedroom chamber.

At the balcony, a fine young man stood quietly, looking at the crowd on the garden. It was early in the evening not even the sun was still shining. Women with fancy ball gowns and men in their Victorian suits.

It was a Masquerade ball. Celebrating Adam's lordship over Sheffield. They invited the Queen and her husband, Prince Albert as one of honorable guests. Carriages from different nobles queued up in front of the manor.

"I'm coming, Mrs. Jacqueline."

"You must not going to be late!" Jacqueline was his nanny since he was five after his mother, Lady Diana Penelope Theron died. "You'll might be embarrassed after then."

He huffed. Adam turned around and went out to the Ballroom. The butler, Harold followed him. He was Adam's bestfriend since they're kids. "Sir, the priest was waiting for you."

When they got arrived, Father Cameron John was standing on the platform. The crowd cheered as he walked through the aisle. Adam bowed at the Queen and the Prince then stood beside Fr. Cameron.

"Since Lord George of Sheffield died last month, according to the law that every legitimate firstborn must be the heir to the lordship over the land. His son, Adam Lambert will now honorably be the Lord of Sheffield."

Fr. Cameron took the crown of twisted gold vines from the cushion which Harold was holding. He laid it on Adam's head. Adam knelt down in front of the Queen. She took her sword and placed the tip of it on each of his shoulders.

"Adam Lambert Earldon, the Lord of Sheffield!" Cameron declared, the crowd cheered and clicked their glasses in toast. Adam was staring at the woman in green gown. Her red hair was neatly decorated with fresh daisies. Her face was hidden behind the mask yet still beautiful to every gentlemen's eyes.

He walked towards her, grinning. "What do you think of this ball, m'lady?"

"It's quite magnificent." He could see her olive green eyes looking at him. The orchestra was playing the Mozart's Sonata. Slow music encouraged people to dance the waltz.

He offered his hand and asked. "May I dance with you, m'lady?"

She nodded and held his hand. He led her to the dance floor. They both bowed and danced with each other.

"What's your name, M'lady?"

Her lips curled up in smile. "I won't tell you my name."

"How can I know you if I-"

"Just call me Beauty. Everyone's calling me that!" Adam never knew that she's a hype.

"Beauty." His gaze locked on her lovely eyes. "I can see it behind your face."

"Don't flatter me, my lord."

"I do not yet it's the truth." He smirked. Beauty felt her cheeks went red under the mask. Their bodies pressed gently as they dance the English waltz. An electric shock ran through her veins as he leaned his head, and she could feel his breath tingling on her collar bone.

"I wish it wasn't a Masquerade so I can see your gorgeous face, Beauty."

"But I prefer to hide it from this stunning young man in front of me."

He chuckled. Adam held her waist, showing her the trustworthy and security in his hands. Beauty couldn't stop but to stare at his face. Freshly trimmed beard with dazzling blue eyes. His blond hair was neatly combed. She was imagining that she's staring at the marbled statue of a Greek god or one of those paintings of the Renaissance period.

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