Chapter 4 ~ Aylin, Blake, & Michael

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Aylin, Blake, & Michael

Aylin closed her phone with a smile. She had been looking for an excuse to get out of the house again. After Lily had kicked her out so that she could go talk to Ali, Aylin had wandered around, bored, until she finally headed back home. She couldn't go see Blake or Michael because they were both out working at Mr. Ulrich's farm, so she had no where else to go.

She didn't really have a lot of real friends that she could hang out with. Sure, she had friends, but they were mostly just friends with her because she was dating Blake. Before that, she had just been the freaky Muslim girl.

Luckily, no one was home when she had returned home. Her father was out at work and her mother was out visiting a sick friend in the hospital. No one was home to see her sneak in in her day clothes without her hijab, better known as a headscarf. Her parents could sometimes tolerate her wearing what she classified as "normal clothes", but they refused to let her leave the house without her hijab. So, whenever Aylin left the house, she had to wear her hijab.

But, unknown to her parents, as soon as she was out of sight, Aylin would discard her hijab, hiding it away in her purse or backpack, making her feel more like a normal girl. As soon as she stopped wearing it to school, people had started teasing her less. They still had teased her, just not as much as before. But then when she started dating Blake, they stopped teasing her completely. No one wanted to mess with Blake's girl.

That thought made her smile. She was Blake's girl.

Bringing her thoughts back to the present, Aylin hurriedly put on her swimsuit, a cute polka dot bikini that she had bought without her parents' notice, and covered it with a pair of jeans and a cute t-shirt. She threw some extra clothes into her bag, just in case, along with some extra necessities. At the last second, she threw her hijab in too, just in case her parents were home when she returned.

She quickly slipped outside and grabbed her bike from the shed. As much as she would have liked to ride with Michael and Blake, she couldn't take the risk of someone seeing them pick her up. She had to keep her parents oblivious to the fact that she hung out with boys and she especially had to keep them oblivious to the fact that one of those boys was her boyfriend.

As Aylin neared the pond that she and her friends liked to frequent, she saw the old red pickup and smiled. She stopped beside it, quickly hopping off and leaning her bike up against it. She walked around to the other side of the truck and smiled at the view.

The tall, green trees reflected in the green surface of the pond they were surrounding. The sun shined down and hit the water, making it almost sparkle. Aylin could feel the soft, green grass beneath her feet as she slipped her feet out of her sandals. This place was so perfect and peaceful. It was secluded from the rest of the world, making it the perfect getaway place for her.

"Hey! Aylin!" a familiar voice called out. She turned and smiled, lifting a hand in greeting as she saw Michael over by a tree, holding on to a thick rope.

"Watch this!" he said, taking a couple of steps back before running forward and leaping off of the bank. Aylin watched, a gleeful laugh slipping from her lips, as Michael swung out over the water. He suddenly let go of the rope and dropped down into the water, sending out a huge splash.

"AHHHH AHAHAHAH AHHH!" Blake's voice suddenly filled the air, his body suddenly launching out of the tree. He swung out over the water, still belting out his Tarzan call, before dropping down into the water with another huge splash. There was a huge smile on his face when he surfaced.

"Hey, baby!" he called out to her, making her smile. "Come on in! The water's great!"

"Coming!" she called back with a laugh, quickly pulling off her t-shirt. Cat calls suddenly filled the air and she blushed.

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