Let's go home

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The day went fast and no one didn't even notice that Ben and Kay dissapeared somewhere and Fritz was replacing Kay. Kay woke up because something or someone was shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw Ben. He was on the floor again. She jumped up to him. However, now his body wasn't shaking. He was just laying in the floor.

-Ben! Oh gosh, are you okay? - she asked while grabbing his head.

-I...I tried to get up... - he said to her. Kay smiled at him. Same Ben. Tries to do everything on his own.

-Come on, let's go home.

-Isn't it too early? - he asked.

-Oh, by the way! What time is it? - she looked at her watch. It was 18:36. - I think, we can leave now. There is usually no one by 6 p.m. so...

-What...what happened? - he asked while checking himself out.

-The injury opened. Don't worry, I knitted it back. - she said while stroking his hair.

-Oh, yeah. Thank you, by the way. - he said.

Kay helped him to get up and placed him on the sofa again. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. Ben looked at it.

-Who the hell is this?! - he asked confused and a little scared.

Kay smiled. She loved to see when he was getting serious because of the small things.

-Don't worry... It's just... - she was interrupted by the sound of the opening door. Fritz came into the room and closed the door.

-Oh, you're awake! Thank God! You scared me, Bradlee. - he said with a little smile on his face. Ben looked at him confused. - so, will you tell me what happened? That injury doesn't look like a simple scratch, you know.

Kay looked down. She didn't wanna tell him because she then, was endangering his life as well. But she had no other choice. Kay told him everything about what happened last night. Fritz momentarily got serious.

-Kay, you should go to police! I'm sure, they will find the solution. You can't just risk your life like that.

Finally, Ben sat down on the sofa and looked at Kay. Her eyes were running from Fritz to Ben. She turned away.

-No. I can't. They will kill me anyway if I do so.

-Kay, they already attacked you! It's not like they're waiting until you'll go to police to kill you. They just want to kill you! Can't you see?!

Kay looked down. Maybe, he was right? What if, she will go to police? It can't go any worse, can't it?

-Fine, I'll go there now. Fritz, please, take Ben to my house.

Ben jumped up and immediately fell back on the sofa. His side came out again.

-I'll go with you! You can't go alone! - he yelled.

-Ben, you can barely stand, how can you protect me, when you can't even protect yourself now? - she asked him quietly.

Ben looked confused and worried. She was right. As always...

-Fine but be careful, please! I'm begging you. - he said to her. Kay smiled. He was so charming and cute. Finally, Fritz broke the silence.

-So, umm, are we going or what? - he asked both of them.

-Yes. Fritz, please, when you get him, lock him up okay? I'll give you my keys.

-Will you be able to open it? - Fritz asked.

-I have two of them. Don't worry.

-Okay then.

So, when it was nearly a 7 p.m., three of them got out of the office. Ben could barely walk, so Fritz had to almost carry him to his car. All three of them sat in the car: Fritz was driving and Kay and Ben were on the back seats. Ben was laying on Kay's knees. She was gently removing his hair from his forehead. Kay looked un his eyes. They were so beautiful. Dark green with a little bit of brown in it. Amazing. She saw that Ben was slowly falling asleep, so she stopped starring at his eyes. Kay smiled. She softly kissed him in the forehead. Ben gave her a tiny smile. The cutest, probably.

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