Avatar Roku / I Am Tsukkio, Daughter of the Moon Spirit (Winter Solstice pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"HAVE YOU COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN THAT THE FIRE LORD BANISHED YOU?!?!?" I yelled at Zuko, hoping to get through him. "What if you get caught?"

"I'm chasing the Avatar and Tsukkio, my father will understand why I'm returning home," Zuko explained as he took his eye away from the looking glass.

Zuko, you know you're father is not the understanding type. If he were, then you wouldn't have to chase the Avatar or this unknown Waterbender around to get your birthright back to you. Zuko, when will you learn that you don't have to chase someone to get someone to love you?

"You give him too much credit, my brother is not the understanding type," I told Zuko hoping he will learn and have the Helmsman to turn this ship around, but my mind finally caught up with what Zuko said. "Tsukkio? Who's Tsukkio?"

"That's the name of the Waterbender; her name is Tsukkio," Zuko informed me, going back to searching for the flying bison. "There they are! Helmsman, full steam ahead!"

The clouds cleared up, showing the Avatar and Tsukkio. I saw Tsukkio and her eyes glowing white as I assume that she is the one that cleared those clouds.

"So you two on a first name base?" I smirked mentally, but I need to get Zuko to turn this ship around.

"It's not the time to talk about girls, Uncle, and it's time to claim my prize!" Zuko proclaimed as he got away from the looking glass. "Men ready the catapult. We have a bison to take out of the sky!"

The catapult rise from under the deck of the ship, the catapult is loaded with a steaming and smoldering projectile. The projectile was from the waste that was stuck in the boat, and I couldn't believe Zuko was going to fire that at the poor kids and bison in the sky. I pulled out my fan from within my clothing to get the filthy smell away from my nose.

"Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?" I fanned some clear air over to my nose so I can breathe something fresher.

Zuko went behind the smelly projectile and shot a fireball it. The flames of Zuko's fire quickly ignited as the fire burned bright around the missile.

"On my mark.........Fire!" Zuko order sending one of the soldiers to let the thing go.

The projectile flew pass the flying bison missing them altogether. In response to the stinky missile, huge icebergs formed in front of the ship as they created tight and sharp turns to block them.

"Helmsman steer this ship out of the path of these icebergs!" Zuko spoke to the Helmsman.

The Helmsman guides the ship bobbing and weaving out of the way of the already grown icebergs to throw the boat off its course. Then out of nowhere, there were two lines blocking the Fire Nation waters. It was a line of ships belonging to the Fire Nation. Those ships formed a blockade preventing the waterway for Zuko to get by. The form of the barrier seemed like it stretched for miles, I knew Commander Zhao is doing this as retaliation for Zuko winning the Angi Kai as well as taking the Avatar and Tsukkio as a prize for my brother. Zuko realized it was a blockade, as I hope this will be a sign for Zuko to turn around.

"Technically, you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now, and they cannot arrest you," I suggested the idea to Zuko as I comb through my gray beard, hoping Zuko will finally get the point.

I waited for Zuko to give me his answer. I took notice of the flying bison and see that it was speeding through the cloudy blue sky. I already knew Zuko's response before he even said a word. This is going to be a troublesome day for Zuko and I as I tried my best to think of a way to get Zuko out of this if he does cross over Fire Nation waters.

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