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"My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters,"


"Great, we have another monster on the team," Sokka said, grim crossing his arms.

"She is not a monster; she is a water serpent dragon!" Tsukkio argued, rolling her eyes at her brother's behavior.

It was the late afternoon when we all finally decide to take a break from flying in the sky. We landed in this autumn forest as the leaves were red, orange, or yellow as the leaves were placed gently in a small pile of other fallen leaves. Sokka and Katara were sitting on the forest floor looking up at their little sister, Tsukkio explaining her new companion who would join us throughout our journey. Tsukkio introduced everyone to Bayou, a water serpent that will be with Tsukkio for a long time. I could tell that Bayou is a stubborn companion as she doesn't follow things Tsukkio is telling her and how she snort her nose at Sokka. Bayou's golden moon eyes stared deeply at Sokka, and when she snorted, water steam shot out her nose. The way Bayou is glaring at Sokka seems like Bayou was challenging Sokka. Sokka trembled under Bayou's stare, which he was quickly hiding behind Katara like she will protect him from Bayou.

Katara got up from her spot on the forest floor, leaving Sokka on his own to protect himself from Bayou. Katara had a warm smile on her face as her enchanting blue eyes were stuck on Bayou. The water serpent's golden moon eyes left Sokka and target on Katara as Katara was coming towards Bayou. Bayou stood in place, still staring at Katara while Katara was coming closer to her with a friendly smile. Katara held her hand out to touch Bayou so her radiate warm aura can touch the water serpent, but Bayou jerked her head back and up into the sky. Katara's gentle smile turned to a severe frown, and I felt the same way, and it wasn't even me to take the first step to greet Bayou. Tsukkio gently nudges Bayou, and Bayou's eyes went over to Tsukkio. Tsukkio gestured her hand down, meaning for Bayou to give Katara a chance. Bayou rolled her eyes and dipped her head back down, causing Katara to smile again. Katara went to pet Bayou, and this time Bayou didn't turn her head away but stared at Katara, watching her every move.

"I guess we need to build some more trust with your companion Tsukkio!" Katara smiled as she pets Bayou as Bayou was glaring her closely.

"Speaking of companion, where is Momo?" I asked

Once I mentioned Momo, I heard the yelping of Momo from afar. It sounds like Momo is in trouble, causing me to run into the deep forest following the yelling of Momo. I stopped running when the yelling of Momo ended as I was in the clearing of the forest as I searched around for my lemur friend. I didn't see Momo around anywhere, but all I saw were strong and giant trees. Then I heard Momo's call, and it was coming from above me. I glance up to see that Momo was trapped in a wire trap. Momo had his furry arm extended out beyond the wire to try to get out. Then my eyes went over to the other two traps that held brown baboon monkeys as they were peacefully sitting in the traps miserable.

"Hang on, Momo!" I called out to Momo as I used my airbending, leaping from tree branch to tree branch to help Momo out of the trap.

I was on the tree branch that held Momo's caged trap. I realized that a simple rope pulley system was holding up the catch. My eyes followed the rope to see where the end was underneath the tree branch holding Momo's caged trap. I sat down on the tree branch, having my legs hugging the two sides of the branch. I slide to go underneath the branch to see the tie that holds the rope to the cage trap. I untie the rope, the metal piece that was lodged within the tree. Once I untie Momo's trap, I gently but slowly glide the Momo's trap onto the ground. My eyes went to the bottom to see Katara and Sokka helping to make sure Momo have a safe landing. Tsukkio's eyes glowed as the water from her water pouch turned into a sharp icy point. Tsukkio sent the freezing point towards the traps that held the two baboon monkeys captive, freeing them from the traps. I jumped down to see that Momo is free, eating some leechee nuts while Sokka, Katara, and Tsukkio studied the metal captive device.

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