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"Silver?! Where did you go?"

Walking the Halls of the Pokemon Center after dark was not something she was suppose to be doing. Silver had stepped out to take a call form his friend, saying it was important. What would be so important that he couldn't share with her? Sure it was his friend , it was none of her business, but that didn't stop her form wondering what it was or what it could be to keep him so long. For the mire fact that she was all by herself in the room they had rented. She was hearing things, even seeing shadows, things jumping off the shelves scarring the daylights out of her. Taking it upon herself she would search for the teen male for herself, Trinket following behind her. They would both protect him for the scary things outside the room.

"So he still can't figure it out?"

She had found him. Blossom would do her best not to eavesdrop. She knew he would tell her if he wanted to which he useually didn't when it came to a certain friend. She seethed with jealousy.

"But I should be on the look out when his out right?"

Who was he talking about and why should he be careful?

"I'll pet him for you. Should come see him...I know but. Yea that's true."

He sighed, rubbing his fingers up and down the bridge of his nose as he held his Poke'Gear up to his ear. She knew the sighs, he was frustrated. With his friend maybe? She snuck closer, Trinket guiding her quietly so that they could hear better. Feet covered in sockes, keeping her footy's warm, and minimizing the sound her feet made on tile.

"I'm just saying that if he sees us together to much that he will know."

"You've been with others a lot more then me. What's to say he hasn't already figured it out."

"He would have come for Cookie already."

"He would have to get through me to get to him."

"I know I asked a lot....."

"Don't go there again we've been over this. I enjoy Cookie's compay, just not his name."

"His as sweet as chocolate chip cookies-"

"And has a large sweet tooth just like you, so it fit."

"You remembered?"

"How could I not when you said it every time, he came out."

Blossom heard laughter on the other end of his phone, maybe even a mixture of relief. So Silver was watching a Pokemon for his friend. How could she assume something when he was just being a friend? She felt guilty now. Another sound caught her ears, was that a sharp intake of breath.

"You still don't seem to understand Kamon-"

"I don't need to. If his important, and you let me watch him. Then it's nice to know you trust me so."

"I don't think I could with anyone else."

Another noise of some kind came for the gear. Did she see a stray strand of snot run down his nose?

"I'll catch ya another time."

"Yeah. Sorry Kamon."

He looked at his gear, sighing. She always said that when Cookie came up. Neither could understand the other, though in away they did. He tucked his Poke'Gear back in his boxer pocket. He turned to head back to Blossom. He had left her long enough, grinning.

"Scaredy Skitty."

Her eyes narrowed, her mouth set into a line. Standing she startled Trinket, who moved away at the sudden jerking of her Trainer. Blossom grabbed hold of Silver as he came within grasping distance. Seeing the wild look and not knowing who it was right away.


The noise that came form him was high pitched to the point it rang Trinket's ears, cracked a glass bowl somewhere, and had Blossom rolling in laughter, combined with the look on his face. Eyes wide, heart pounding, mouth gaping and adrenaline running. Sleep deprived his reaction was priceless and the payback for what he had done.

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