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"Will battle for fun-z's."

The blond trainer held up a sign just outside the Battle Dome, shaking it hard, waving it around were most couldn't read.

"I think i spelt fun-z's wrong. Maybe that's why no one wants to battle."

"Salazzle? Sal Sal-Azzleeee."

The Salazzle beside her shrugged, not really understanding the word itself. But happy to try and get a battle anyway. She liked the thrill, to prove her skill and power, to were she could hold up her head high in front of the rest of the team. Still being the newest on the Team still kinda sucked either way though.

"CrimsonCrest I think people are intimidated by you. I mean your just so...."

The Salazzle suddenly fearing the worse hung her head low, tail cease moving bout as if wagging, instead curling in on herself. Maybe she was to scary looking, her Trainer may have liked her but that didn't mean that others did.

"Awesome, I mean they don't know you how could they-"

"Were you the one shouting about battling?"

Said Trainer looked over to find a male teen bout her age, slick black hair, wearing a greaser jacket with the works, jeans and boots. While she herself wore somethig simular, a black tank top with green camo pants, and brown boots, side of her bangs in a braid to one side while the rest was done up by a large bandanna mad into a head band. Her lips pulled into a large shit-eating grin, grabbing CrimsonCrest's Premier Ball, spinning it on her finger tip.

"Yea, interested?"

"Only if it's with this cool Poison type right here."

"Heh Sure-"

"Ok JagRock."

The Teen called out his Toxicroak, standing tall, throat sack puffed out, to look intimidating. CrimsonCrest copied the opponent, standing tall, chest puffed out.

"But you got it wrong, she's not a Poison type, she's a Dark/Fire type."

"She's a Salazzle right?"



Sawyer's eye twitched, she gave a half hearty laugh. The teen was clearly mistaken, he didn't know what he was talking bout obviously.

"Look at her coloring, black and red. Obviously she's fire, cause of the red and dark cause of the black."

"That makes no sense."

"Poison/Fire makes even less sense. How'd you even get that?"

JagRock and Crisoncrest had taken a seat next to each other, fist bumping as a apology for the Trainer's behavior. How embarrassing having your Trainer act in such a way.

"Sorry dude, she's usually so chill."

"Nhaawwww Dudette, don't worry bout a thing. My boi useually the same, s'ight."

Both sighed, didn't look like either was gonna get the battle they wanted. Looking back up at their Trainers, not to surprised they were both in each others faces.

"Your reason makes no since."





The male tired of arguing yanked out his Pokedex, pointed at CrimsonCrest.

"See even the Dex says so."

He shoved it at Sawyer, who took it reading it, giving him a weird look.

"So it dose."

"So she's a Poison/Fire."

"Still say shes Dark/Fire..."

Fed up the male grab his hair, pulling it out. She waved her hand sup defensively, grinning. His eye twitched.

"To each their own."

"Yea whatever dudette, your annoying-"

"Still wanna battle thought right?"


"Is that a no?"

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