Gravity (Alternative)

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I'll do more of this; I had fun rewriting this Alternate Ending. I'm calling this branch:
Plan G.

Ironwood is sitting behind his desk with his back turned to them. You were standing in the middle of the room, "James."

Ironwood turns his chair to face you, "We have made a critical error." He places a queen chess piece made of black glass on his desk, "The Black Queen was the symbol Salem showed us before we lost everything. Her way of telling us she was inside. That it was too late, we stopped Watts. We stopped Callows, but someone was here. They put this in my office to tell me that-"

A look of realization crosses his face, "What if Mantle was just a distraction? What if it was just to draw us away from the academy to, to-"
"James. I-it’s going to be okay. We’ve got Mantle on our side now, and-"
"How do we know that wasn’t part of their plan?"
"We don't, but all it matters is that we help those in need and protect the one who needs protecting." He brings his hand down on his desk and stands up, he locks eyes with you, seeing the concern in your eyes.

He sighs, "I should have kept you here and not out on the field."
"James, you know it's my job. You know that I'm needed down there."
"I needed you here too!-"
The doors open, revealing Team RWBY along with the Ace-Ops excluding Clover.

Ruby and Weiss look at him with concern, while Blake and Yang look at him intensely then turn to you, "What happened?"

You show the glass chess piece, "We had a visitor."
"Salem has been one step ahead of us this entire time!" He angrily slams his fist down on his desk, denting it. The impact bounces Watts’ bag and the chess piece, and the latter falls over and rolls across the desk, emitting the characteristic noises of glass. Ruby steps forward, staring at the chess piece, "It’s… glass."

Vine, Marrow, Elm, and Harriet look at her, uncertain of what she means, "Black glass. This was Cinder."
"She’s alive? And she’s here?!"
"If Cinder’s here, then, for all we know, Hazel’s here, too!"

"I highly doubt she would be with Hazel." You say, as everyone turns to face you, "What do you mean?"
"Back at Haven, she was supposed to get the lamp, but she didn't. Emerald was crying when Yang was the one who came back to the surface. Cinder failed Salem more likely due to the fact she was power-hungry, Salem wouldn't want anyone who would put their needs over her own."

"You seem to know a lot about Salem."
"Salem and I have known each other for a while now.

Blake walks forward a few steps, "Sir, this isn’t over yet. We’re with you." She places her hand to her chest and gives him an encouraging look. He looks at her and straightens up, his voice gaining an ominously serious tone, "Are you with me?"

Blake’s cat ears fold over, and Ironwood walks around to stand next to his desk where Watts’ bag is, while Vine and Marrow look confused, "Sir?" Blake backs up to stand in line with her teammates again, her ears still folded over.

"How did Robyn know about the Global Communications Project?" The Ace Operatives look at Team RWBY. Blake and Yang look nervous. Yang looks to the side in thought for a moment, then looks at Ironwood, "We told her."

Ironwood narrows his eyes at her.

"The night of the ambush."
"You did what?!"
"We were trying to help."
"By going behind our backs?"

"That's enough, what matters now is trying to figure out our next move." You walk between the two teams.

Harriet walks over to Yang, glaring at her. Blake’s cat ears are standing up again, alert, "Wait. Does that mean you let her escape?"
"Robyn is on our side!" Watching the confrontation in front of her, Blake’s cat ears fold down again.

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