Welcome to Haven

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"The City of Mistral..."
"Ugh! It's about time!"

Qrow and Team RNJR are walking through a stone brick tunnel illuminated by translucent lanterns.
"Whose idea was it to walk again?"
"Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken airships destroyed settlements..."
"Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder us."

"Pfft, we were fine." Ruby looks at Qrow with a smile, "Only one of us almost died." You giggle at her comment, as Qrow looks at both you and Ruby, smiling back, "Hey."

Nora puts her hands on her hips and looks at Ren, "Hey." Nora giggles in response.

"So, how much farther to Haven Academy?"

"Almost there. But I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route. And it's one of (Y/n) favorite places here in Mystral."

The group approaches a pair of large, wooden double doors, which Qrow opens, flooding the tunnel with sunlight. Ruby runs out onto a massive platform that doubles as an elevator, stopping at the railing to gaze out over the city in wide-eyed awe, "Wow!" Qrow takes your hand as you both walk to edge for a better look.

The others join her to take in the view of buildings and stone stairways perched on mountains, "This... is... awesome!"

Below them, large crowds of people are going about their day - walking around, talking, and buying merchandise legally and illegally, "It's certainly something."

Ruby taking notice a kiosk selling weapons, "Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!"
"Vendors here sell you just about anything... whether they should or not."

"They really made the most out of these mountains."

"Every inch. Stay away from the lower levels. The higher up you go, the nicer it gets."
"And we are going up!" Nora shouts, pointing upward; everyone laughs at her. Qrow leans closer to you, placing his head on your shoulder giving you a kiss on your cheek.

Ruby turns to you and her uncle, she smiles, seeing how close you two are, then her eyes widen, "Wait a minute!" Everyone turns to Ruby as she runs to you, "Since when you two... You know?" Both you and Qrow turned to each other then back at Ruby, "Oh, we never told them." Qrow's eyes widen a bit as you cover your mouth, "Ruby, I hope this wouldn't be a bother to you, but Qrow and I are together-"
"A bother? No, this is amazing news, do you have any idea how long it took Yang and me to try to convince Uncle Qrow to make a move?!" You looked up at Qrow his face had a light shade of pink dusting on them, "He was a lovesick puppy. About time! His love for you was since-" You laugh as Qrow tried to cover his niece's mouth, "Ruby no."
"Ruby, yes!"
"Congratulations on your relationship Miss (Y/n), I hope that he treats you well as you to him." You smile, "Thank you, Ren."
Jaune sighs lightly, Nora takes notice and a mile a mischievously, "Oh Jaune, it seems that your favorite teacher is off the market, shame-" Qrow turns to this standing in front of Jaune, "Oh you know Nora, always locking around!" Jaune playfully pushes Nora before she could finish her sentence. Qrow smiles at Jaune, "Well, good thing is that everyone knows that she's with me now."
"You're scaring him, Qrow." You tilt your head, "I'm having a conversation with your student, nothing much." You raised a brow, "Hm?"
"Oh come on, I was joking with him."

An Atlesian cargo airship flies over an enormous lake, "So, how much farther?"

"We're in the home stretch now." In the pilot's box of the ship, Weiss stands in the back, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, "No more stops from here to Mistral. Sorry for the long trip. Keeping us off the radar's been harder than I thought. Lots of air traffic around northern Anima."
"It's fine. I... just hope I haven't been a burden."
"You and your money are more than welcome on this ship, kid."

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