The Saint: Origins

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Did you miss me?
Admit it; you missed me.
Did you miss Saint and the others?

Well, I'm back!
Part one of Origins

A man and woman of high standing power had a family; it wasn't out of love but for combining of power, four sons, and at the end, there was one last child who was expected to be another son, yet what they were told was incorrect as they soon found out it was a daughter; the father thought it was a blessing, the mother thought it was a curse. The father named her (Y/n) as that was the same name he had held dear if he ever had a daughter.

The brothers grew older curious about what powers their little sister would bring them; their mother would encourage them to only pay mind to each other. The father was the one to care for the child when she was of age to possess her abilities, thought that she was a late bloomer, they waited and waited, and she was never able to use magic.

The four brothers heard of the news and decided to protect their sister from any harm; though they could save her physically, they didn't know what troubles she faced from their cruel mother. For many years, the sons grew, as did their sister, the sons mastered their abilities with the encouragement of their sister. Soon they were of age to marry, with countless fathers trying to present their daughters, the sons never showed interest in marriage, let alone any women, as they saw how different they would behave with their dear sister.
The father was sent to use his powers to defend his kingdom; the sons left with him as well. When they left, the cruel mother decided to teach the daughter how a lady behaves; for over a year, the daughter was left alone with her mother.

When the battle ended, the sons returned but not their father; this broke the daughter as she cried for the loss of her caretaker. The mother didn't shed a tear; she began to blame the daughter for her father's death. 'If she should have gone for the place of her father and died in his place, the world would have one less of a useless human.'

"Brother, why do you think I wasn't born with magic?"
Tor turns to you, "You are a special case, (Y/n). With or without magic, you are blessed with brothers who will protect you."

You look down slightly, "But how would I protect myself?" Tor doesn't answer but changes the subject, "Let's go home; mother might be looking for us."

"She looks for you; I don't exist to her."
"Don't say that she loves you."
"Mother hated me since I was born, to make it worse, I don't have magic, then when Father didn't come back, she blamed it on me."

"(Y/n)." Tor looks at you, sadden, "Don't ever blame yourself for what happened."

He began to try to cheer you up, "(Y/n), can you sing for me?"
"Of course!"

(1) You smile at your brother and began to sing, "There's an old familiar silence,
When I'm lost inside my heart,
I can't hear the voice inside me,
So I look up to the stars."

Nearby a man was sitting in his carriage; next to him were two women, "There is darkness ever waiting,
I can feel it in the air,
So I call upon my angels,
Are you still there?"

The man's eyes slowly opened, hearing a soft voice, "When the wind, Bends the branch to softly touch me."

"Stop the carriage." They come to a halt, "When the band plays your song
I feel strong enough to keep dreaming,
Even when I'm all alone, our love goes on and on." The man watches with wide eyes; he had never heard someone sing as smooth as silk. For the first time, that stranger felt something, and he was not going to let that feeling go.

"(Y/n)!" The man smiles as your name suited your beauty; the smiles disappeared when another male walked to you.

"Ah! I missed it! Tor, if you are going to have her singing, you should call us. (Y/n) can you sing for me too?"
"Egan, you spend too much time with her. It's about time that I spend time with my favorite sister."
"I'm your only sister."

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