Haven's Fate

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Outside on the quad of Haven Academy. The battle between the White Fang and the Menagerie Faunus, as well as the Mistral police force, continues. One of the Mistral airships shines its searchlight on three White Fang soldiers, "Cease fire, immediately!

The three try to run away, but they are stopped by a combined group of Menagerie Faunus and Mistral policemen led by Ilia. Eventually, two of the White Fang soldiers drop their weapons and hold their hands in the air to surrender when they are surrounded. The last White Fang soldier tries to fire his weapon, but it is whipped out of his hands by Lightning Lash, and he is tackled and restrained to the ground by Ilia, "Thank you."

Ilia looks at the rabbit Faunus and smiles and nods back. Elsewhere, Blake stands proudly over Adam Taurus, who was on his knees before standing back up, "I'm going to make you regret ever coming back..."

"More police are on their way, Adam. Huntsmen too."
"Still too afraid to face me on your own."
"I'm here for Haven, not you." Angered, Adam points Blush in front of Blake with Wilt in his left hand, while Blake draws Gambol Shroud, "Heh, you are still afraid, and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away."

"Oh yeah?" Adam looks to his left as Sun approaches him holding Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form, "Where?"

Adam points Wilt towards Sun, "Tell me, does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?"
"Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin', for someone who claims to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people here willing to fight for you."

Adam looks around, seeing his followers surrendering to the overwhelming numbers of forces Blake brought with her, only proving Sun's point right. A searchlight then shines down on him, "You can try and make me regret coming here, Adam, but honestly... I've got more important things to deal with."

Adam lets out a frustrated growl and swings his sword at Sun, but the monkey Faunus counters his attacks by swinging his shotgun nunchucks. Adam then blocks Blake's sword swings as she comes at him, followed up by Adam getting knocked away by Sun. Adam bolts, with Sun giving chase. Adam runs away into the bushes and trees while Sun continues to pursue him, but Blake calls out to him, "Sun, wait!"
"But he's getting away! We could take him!"

"No, we can't. He wants to lure us away so he can pick us off. We need to protect the school and the people here. Besides... now he can see what it feels like to run away. Thank you."
"Eh, we all need help sometimes."

Sun's attention is drawn to Haven's Great Hall, where he and Blake see their old friends and allies fighting off their enemies, "I think there are a few people who could use yours."

Sun is about to run off to help finish the fight, but Blake stops him before he leaves, "Be careful."
"No promises."

Sun runs off as Blake smiles at his last remark before she too runs to finish the fight. Back inside the Great Hall, Hazel launches fireballs from his fists with his fire-Dust enhanced arms at Weiss' summoned Queen Lancer. The Lancer dodges out of the way of the blasts. Meanwhile, the remaining members of Team JNPR fend themselves from Mercury and Emerald's shots, "You guys okay?"

Ren coughs while Nora groans in exhaustion, "Surviving..."
"I don't know how that big guy is still standing. He recharges his Aura faster than I've ever seen!"

Ozpin watches Qrow fly in with his bird form, before transforming back into his usual self, "He's sheer willpower."

Oscar takes cover behind a nearby column, "We just need to get him to his limit!"

The Queen Lancer summon is firing projectiles at Lionheart, who defends himself with Stalwart. He then knocks the summon away with a flame torrent coming from his weapon. Hazel uses the opportunity to launch a combined fire and lightning attack, which causes the Lancer summon to dissipate. Weiss stares in shock as her summon disappears. Suddenly, Blake jumps in and kicks Hazel to the ground before jumping next to Weiss and Ruby, "Are you hurt?"

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