Chapter 16: Mutations and Makeout

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POV: Narrator

"17,18, 19, Looks like everyone's here and unharmed other than that boy with the broken legs." The detective said to the class. The class began to talk amongst themselves about the battle that just occurred. Talking about where they ended up and who they were fighting with and against. And how weak the villains seemed to be and how cool All Might was. "Lets go and get these students back to the main campus, they've been through alot so we don't need to question them right away." The detective said to one of the police officers before Tsu hopped over to him. "Detective? What about Mr. Aizawa?" "Your teachers bones are splintered in his arm and he has facial fractring, fortunately there does not appear to be any serious brain damage but his orbital floor was damaged severely and it is unclear if his eyesight will be impared permanently." The detective explained which made the entire class worry "Sir what about 13?" Mina Asked " There's no need to worry about that, despite some damage to her back 13 is gonna pull through good as new. And All Might is without any serious Injuries, he's with Recovery Girl now and she will have him as good as new in no time" The detective explained to the class which made them all sigh with relief. "What about deku?" "Yeas what about Midoriya" Uraraka and Iida asked which at first confused the detective because he was sure of who they were talking about. "Oh! you mean the one with the broken legs, recovery girl is taking care of him too so no worries." He replied, tipping his hat at the two worried friends. "And what about Jami? What happened to her?" Momo asked, realizing she hadn't seen the girl leave the USJ. "She was inside the warpgate villain last I saw her." Iida said becoming slightly panicked at the thought of his classmate being kidnapped. "She got herself out of that guy while we were fighting with All Might, But she was with Midoriya and All Might when the battle ended." Kirishima told the class. "That's a relief. But why isnt she here?" Iida asked. "The other student is incopasitated and is also with Recovery Girl now, she is physically unharmed but Recovery Girl is keeping a close eye on her. But for now, Let's just get you all back to class" The detective said before directing the student onto the bus.


Back at school


The blond haired girl was sleeping silently in the nurse's office across from Midoriya and All Might. She was comfortable and warm, but she was pulled out of her peaceful slumber by voices coming from the other side of the room.

"I guess I won't scold him for being back here because it wasn't really his fault this time." an old voice says softly "I can't be sure, but I think I limited my time again with that fight, at this rate I'll only be able to hold the form for a little under an hour." a worn out voice states. "Im so sorry." the voice she recognised as Midoriyas says softly. " Well I guess there's no use worrying, these things happen." The worn out voice says again before the Nurses office door opens. "Excuse me, Hi All Might it's been a while." The detective says openly causing the skeleton of a man to spit out blood in surprise "What the hell?! I didn't know you were the one investigating this." "Wait All Might it's ok that he's seeing you like this?" Midoriya asked in a panic. "It's fine, this guy is all right. Naomasa Tsukauchi the best friend to the police, he's legit and I trust him." All Might explained casually to the slightly less panicked Midoriya. "That's quite the introduction, sorry to be blunt but we could really use any information you might have." The detective said. "First tell me that all the students are ok! And the other teachers!" All might said with urgency. "Other than this boy and that girl" he said pointing at the platinum blond laying on the bed, "the only other student injuries were scrapes. And both of the teachers are in stable conditions right now so you can relax." The detective said calmly to the No.1 Hero. "That's a relief" All Might said "You know, The only reason that class survived was because you teachers risked your lives to save them." The detective said kindly. "You're not seeing the big picture. Those students also risked their lives today and they fought just as hard as we did. I don't think there has ever been a group of first years who experienced a fight like this so wearlie in their training, they not only survived they also learned what it means to be a hero. Those villains made a mistake attacking them, this Class is strong there filled with courage and drive; Mark my words there gonna be great heros." All Might declared "All Might your gonna make me blush" Jami says cheerfully, slowly sitting up in her bed to look at the small group of people in the nurse's office which was Midoriya, Recovery Girl, Skelton All Might, and the detective now known as Naomasa Tsukauchi. "Jami! You're awake!" Midoriya said happily as Recovery Girl made her way over to her to check Jami's vitals and what not. "So you remembered huh?" All Might said. "Did you think I would forget seeing the No. 1 Hero become a skeleton?" Jami said with slight amusement. "I had hoped." He said lowering his head. "I'm not gonna say anything All Might." Jami said seriously, looking the No.1 Hero in the eye. "Your the Symbol of Peace, if people found out you were in a weakened state crime would go up and you would be targeted. So for the safety of you and the public please trust me." There was a moment of silence that the No.1 Hero and Jami spent just staring at each other. "Young Paris, I must trust you with my secret and I believe that you will keep it for the good of the innocents in the world." All Might finally said breaking the silence. Jami just smiled softly and nodded before looking out the window at the sunset.

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