Chapter 34: Test of Courage

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Did I know where I was running? not a clue.

Did I know where my friends were? not a clue.

But despite that I kept moving forward towards the area with burning trees. I figured if anyone is trapped in the fire they're not gonna be getting much help since people would typically steer clear of a burning forest. But I'm not most people.

I walked silently through the burning trees making sure not to leave footsteps or to step on any twigs or tree roots. My eyes were focused on my surroundings and I didnt let my guard down for a moment. Then I spotted a head of silky yellow hair. Silently I approached until I realized who it was.

"Aoyama?" I say gently to the boy who was hugging his knees behind some bushes. "Paris?" He says in a small scared voice. I then notice Jiro and Tooru lying unconscious beside him wearing gas masks. "Is there poison gas or something in the air?" I ask him. "There was, but I brought us out of it." He said shakily I smiled at him gently and gave him a pat on the head. "That was very brave Aoyama. But now we need to get these two to safety, because that's what heroes do" I say with a gentle smile. Noticing how scared he was.

Aoyama stopped shaking and looked up at me, despite the fear in his eyes he nodded. "I'm not sure exactly where we are right now, but I can teleport the 3 of you as close to camp as I can remember. That's ok with you?" I ask with a smile.

"Isn't that sweet." An uninterested voice said as a shadow loomed over me. I look up and see the scared man who was by the camp. "I thought you were mud?" I asked, pushing Aoyama behind me. "I'm not that easy to kill Smiley." He replied bordley.

I see the familiar spark of blue in his hands before a blast of blue fire comes right at me. "Space Wall!" I say quickly creating a large portal to block me and my classmates from the fire. "Quick reflexes." He compliments before sending another blast at the portal. "Shit, I can't attack him Aoyama so the 3 of you are getting out of here now. Tell a teacher I'm about 200 meters into the flaming forest from the east side." I say strictly earning a confused nod. Then I tap the 3 of them, making them disappear before the villain's very eyes. "Lucky for you I'm not allowed to engage in combat Pyro." I said with a smirk as I stared down the Blue eyed man. He had spiky black hair and most of his face was covered in burn scars and face piercings. "Thats big talk from such a novice." He said, slightly amused by the blonds attitude towards being shot at with fire. "Maybe." I say with a smirk.

"So Pyro, you have a goal here or do you just like starting forest fires?" I ask with a smirk as I wait for an opening. "Maybe I just came to say hi." He said smugly before firing at me again. That time, I used the blast as cover to teleport into the woods behind him. "I know that didnt kill ya Smiley, Common out. I just wanna see your pretty face." the Pyro said casually once his flames stopped. I then open a Portal right under him causing him to fall through. "I may not be allowed to attack you, But what if you just fall over?" I said with a smirk as I watched him fall from about 40 feet up and smack into the ground. But to my displeasure when he hits the ground he just dissolves into mud. "What kind of a quirk?" I mumble

"Everyone in class A and B, in the name of the pro hero eraserhead you are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat, use your training to fight these villains." The voice of mandalay says into my brain.

"Hell Ya." I say with a smirk before walking further into the burning woods.

It didn't take me long before I stumbled across two Villians. One I recognised, as the Pyro from before, the other was wearing a full body black suit with gray line accents.

"Such a shame that you let another one get destroyed!" The one in the body suit said in a posh voice to the Pyro. "They're your clones," the Pyro said in a monotone voice. "Ya but last time it was a pro who took it out, you let a little UA brat beat you.' The one known as Twice said in a pissed tone. "0 to 100 real quick." I thought to myself as I watched the two talk.

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