Chapter 2: All I Wanted Was Ice Cream

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POV: Narrator 

Jami was able to open a portal above the two of them before too much glass hit them so they only got a few scratches. Jami Looked out the broken Window and saw a giant green slimy monster and it looked like it was trying to eat someone? She was about to run out to try and help but then she saw the damage done to the ice cream parlor around her. At first it was hard to see because of the dust but once it settled she saw the parlor in ruins there was broken glass everywhere and one of the tables was one fire, 3 people were laying on the ground all had broken glass in their limbs, she looked over at Hiro who seemed ok but was visibly shaken. "Hiro, we need to get these people out of here and somewhere safe. Can you help the 3 on the ground while I see if there is anyone else who needs assistance?" she asked, her voice was focused and alert. He nods and makes his way towards the 3 people on the ground, the 3 were all wearing high school uniforms but not from a school he could recognize, he noticed that two of them a boy and a girl were conscious but had glass in their legs so it would be hard for them to move, the other was one seems to be unconscious but he was still breathing, Hiro started applying first aid to the once with glass in their leg.

Jami moved to the center of the room now counting 6 people not including her or Hiro in the room. She walks up to the family of 3 a mother, a father and their daughter, "I have a quirk that can teleport us out of here she said slowly, can you all walk ok?" She asked softly to the family. The mother tells her they can walk and follow her over to where Hiro was giving first aid. "I'm gonna go see where it's safe to teleport us to" Jami Says while running over to the door and peking her head out to see where the slime monster was. She sees pro heros trying to help save the person being held hostage by the slime and failing poorly, she looks to the left and sees a small crowd of people. Just as she was about to shut the door to teleport the civilians to safety she sees a boy that looks to be about her age with curly green hair start sprinting straight at the slime monster. "Brave kid" she thinks to herself before turning back to the small group. "Ok now that we're all together I can get you all out of here but it may feel kinda weird just stay still ok?" she tells the small group of people and they all nod. "I'm gonna help these people'' is the last thing that went through her mind before her eyes started glowing a violet shade of purple then opened a portal beneath all of them. The little girl screamed as she fell through the portal with everyone. But soon they were all on the street behind the crowd. Hiro stands up immediately and gets the cops attention. Jami Pants out of breath from teleporting so many people at once. "Thank you for saving us young lady." the Father of the little girl says to Jami with a smile. "You're gonna be a great hero some day!" he continues, smiling. "Thank you for the kind words sir..... pant.......pant.... But I just did what was right, so no need to thank me" Jami said with a smile on her face. Hiro ran back over and brought paramedics with him who helped the people who were injured.

Jami and Hiro both sat down on the contreet for a few seconds and were thanked by the head paramedic. "Really you should be thanking this guy he's the one that knew a little bit about first aid." Jami said with a smile. "Are you kidding me, we wouldn't have gotten everyone out of Wickly's if it wasn't for her" Hiro said, sharing her smile. Jami stood up all of a sudden. "What did you say?" she says, looking the hero in the eye. I said " we wouldn't have gotten everyone out of Wickly's if....." "WICKLY" Jami and Hiro both yell at once. "I'm going back for him," Jami said before vanishing before everyone's very eyes.


In the destroyed Wickly's


"Wickly! Wickly! Wickly can you hear me !?!?" Jami shouted out once she was back in the shop. She couldn't hear anything or see anyone. She jumped over the counter and looked behind the register but still no sign of Wickly. "Maybe he got out" she thought to herself. But there's only one more place to check, She walked towards the ice cream shop's backroom which was really just where Wickly kept his storage and stock of ice cream. When she opened the door she saw shelves had toppled over and ice cream was everywhere. You know on a different occasion she might have actually enjoyed the sight of so much ice cream but not now not when Wickly could be suffocating in it. Jami Started teleporting ice cream away as fast as she could but she had to be careful not to teleport anything in it aka Wickly if he was bread in all the ice cream and boxes. She kept at it till she saw a single penguin foot poke out from one of the mounds of ice cream she was teleporting away. Without a second thought she grabbed the penguins leg and teleported him to safety. When she arrived back in the crowd she was holding the penguin by his foot upside down. Jami was by the paramedics in no time at all. "He was suffocating in ice cream that fell on him when the shop got hit" She said between breaths. The Paramedics eyes widen "We will take care of him," said one of the paramedics who gently took the penguin man from Jami and set him on a stretcher and check his pulse "He has a pulse but its faint a the permedic said and she began giving the man CPR. Jami was ushered away by another paramedic before she could see anymore.

Jami walked over to Hiro who was sitting one the pavement. "Just another day in the world of heros right?" Jami said with a slight smile. "I don't know about that but at least we were able to help right?" Jami replied. "Jami you were made to be a hero... you always do the right thing for people you know that?" Hiro said while looking at his best friend with a smile. "I want to live in a world where we don't need heros, a world where we have peace and happiness everywhere we go." He continues while looking up at the sky. "You know that's called a Utopia right, and they never end well." Jami comments. "I guess you're right," Hiro says with a shrug while looking up at the sky. "Promise me something Jami" "hmm?" she says in response. " When you become a hero dont forget about me, ok." Hiro says with a sad smile on his face. Jami looked shocked.... "Hiro, I could never forget you! Plus you wanna be the best Hero costume designer right? "Um ya" Hiro replies confused at what his friend is getting at. "So if i'm gonna be a famous hero i'm gonna need the best costume out there" She laughed "that means i gotta keep in touch with you the best designer around!" she said with a big smile. Hiro looks at his best friend and smiles "it's a deal!" he says "but i'm still charging you full price Babs" he says as his smile turns into a sly grin. "WHA, no fair Bebs" She wines. As they talk a paramedic with blue hair and eyes walks up to them, "the first 6 you rescued from the building are going to be just fine" said the bluenette with a smile. "And Wickly?" Jami Said worriedly "Well he's stable now but it's hard to know for sure if he's going to be ok because he hasn't woken up yet, we're going to take him to the hospital for further examination" the bluenette says softly. "I see" the two middle schoolers say softly. " At that moment the crowd who the two had forgoten about cheered out in glee. The two middle schoolers stood up and tried peering over the crowd wanting to see what the commotion was about, and then they saw All Might. They watched in awe as the No. 1 Hero's first made contact with the slime monster, it went by in slow motion; the slime monster dispersed like a water balloon getting popped and was splattered across the sidewalk in an instant. Jami watched the scene in front of her eyes wide. "That's the power of the No. 1 Hero "She said more to herself than anyone else. "All Might might not be my favorite hero but he always saves the day no matter who it is he's trying to save, and that is what I admire about him more than anything." The girl was snapped out of her thoughts as she felt rain start to hit her head. She looked up and saw that rain clouds had started to form. "His Punch was strong enough to change the weather?" Hiro said more as a question than a stairtment. "It seems so." Jami replied with a smile, "Jami, we should get going. It's starting to get late and I have an outfit I need to finish tailoring." Hiro said while ushering the platinum blond girl away from the crowded street. Jami checked her watch; it read 5:02. "I have dinner with my parents at 6 so i have some time before i gotta be home.... Do you want me to portal you back to your house?" she asked as they walked. "Jami, you teleported 8 people at once today... don't act like that didn't take a toll on you." Jami looked down at her feet "was it that easy to tell?" Jami asked quietly. "Not to most, you fooled those paramedics really easily, but you cant fool me Babs." Hiro said with a smile " I guess not, But i'll be fine, Just makes me a little shaky. Nothing to worry about" She says with a big smile and hiding her shaking hands behind her back. "Let's get you home Babs before you get yourself into any more trouble" Hiro says with a smile. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN "GET INTO MORE TROUBLE!!" It's not like I caused that Green Slime to attack!" Jami Shouted pretending to be offended by what her friend had just said. They both burst out laughing as they start walking home.

Porter (BNHA Various x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora