Chapter 14: Welcome to the USJ

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POV: Jami

"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you" a kind voice says from the space suit that greeted us as we stepped off the bus. "It's The Space Hero 13! A famous Pro for rescues from major disasters all across the world!" Midoriya said while fangirling.

"Note to self: start rembering who famous heros are so I dont look stupid when Imeet them." I think while sweat dropping slightly at my friends enthusiasm

"I can't wait to show you guys what's inside" 13 said gesturing towards the building behind her bidding us to follow her inside. I walked through the big blue double doors and was met by a wonderis site, there was a small fountain in the middle and different structures that all seemed to have a different purpose. "It looks like an Amusement park!" Kiri says excitedly.

"You will find all types of disasters in here, like a shipwreck, a landslide, a wind storm, fires, and More! I created this place to training young heros on how to rescue people from disasters its the "Unforeseen, Simulation, Joint" or "USJ" 13 Says proudly

"Wouldn't Universal Studios Japan have copyright laws in place to keep people from using their acronym?" I ask myself

"All Might got held up so let's get started." Aizawa says to 13 more than us. "Excellent but before you start I wanna say 1 thing.... Maybe 2 or 3.... Or 5..... I'm sure you're all aware that I have a very powerful quirk called 'Black Hole', I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." she says "Ya! You've used your quirk to save tons of people from disasters and stuff!" Midoriya says, still fanboying internally. "Yes I have, But my quirk could also be used very easily to kill. Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous, Please keep in mind that one wrong move with your quirk can be deadly even if you are trying to save someone." she says and I gulp flashing back to when I accidentally decapitated my moms favorite bowl, "I should probably figure out how I did that" I think to myself. "Today you are gonna use your quirks to save peoples lives! Because the job of a hero is to insure the safety of others" 13 said, proudly to us. "That's all I have for ya thank you for listing." 13 finishes while bowing to us. The whole class got excited and I was too, and after 13's speech I was ready to save some people. "Right, now that that's over...." Aizawa started but then all the lights in the room flickered slightly. And then I felt this vibration. It wasn't painful but It was definitely coming from the fountain below, I looked over towards where I felt the vibration coming from and I saw a dark purple mist appear. "Everyone stay together and don't move. 13 Protect the students!" Aizawa commanded, making a shiver go down my spine at his tone of voice, was he nervous? "Wait what is that thing?" Kiri asked gesturing to the Dark Purple mist forming in the center of the USJ. "Wait, is the training starting already?" Kiri says, barely taking a step forward before Aizawa yelled at him not to move. "This is real, Those are real Villains." Aizawa said calmly yet urgently. At his words the class's eyes went wide. I was as startled as the rest of them, but my attention kept being drawn back to the vibration I was feeling up and down my skin, and I knew whoever was causing it could feel it too.

"The only real heros I see are 13 and eraserhead, this is perplexing because according to the schedule we received from UA All Might should be here as well." A dark and proper voice said, his voice echoing up the stairs. "So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus." Aizawa says, dryly at the villains. My pulse was racing and my hands were a little sweaty but I tried to remain calm as I stared down at the Villains below.

"Real villains, No way, how could so many get into a UA facility this secure any way?" Kiri said aloud. "Through a Portal" I say dryly. Causing a few of my classmates to give me mixed glances. "Even so, why aren't any of the alarms going off?" Momo asked.

"Is the entire campus under attack? Or is it just this facility? Either way if the alarms aren't being triggered that means one of these villains must have a quirk that is masking their presence." Todoroki replied calmly "They carefully selected this isolated facility at a time when class was being taught, they are fools for trespassing here but they thought this whole thing out. Whatever they're plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind." Todorki said while watching the Villains below. "13 you need to get them out of here! And alert the main campus, actually if they are blocking out the alarms here they may be blocking our normal communication as well. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school." Aizawa says quickly

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