"Lets go back home," Avani said, gently prying my hands away from the locker door. I slammed the door shut and considered having my locker re-painted. Plain blue is just plain boring.

"I think I'll dye my hair," I said a little bit too cheerfully. I steered Avani and Nerina towards the doors. "I'll see ya tomorrow!" I went to my bike and cycled to the nearest hair saloon.

~Time skip~


I grunted in reply. There was no need to be pushy. I combed my fingers through my new hair. I didnt go on Minecraft last night, and that probably worried the others.

I grabbed my backpack and checked my clothes in the mirror once more. Mom and Dad were perfectly fine with my new outfit, and I think Mom loved this new side of me. At least i was starting to do something instead of sleeping and eating in my room all the time.

I stroked Bramble and Squirrel goodbye and opened the door.

Avani and Nerina shrieked, and I dropped my backpack on Nerina's toes. She shrieked some more and I was tempted to slam the door in their faces, which will probably break their noses.

"Your hair!" Avani gasped.

"My foot!" Nerina wailed. I picked up my backpack. It wasnt that heavy. Its only got my laptop in it... I've got a few free periods and i wanted to catch up with DrugCraft.

"So do you like my hair?" i twirled a bit of it between my fingers.

Avani shook her head, speechless. "Its weird."

Nerina nodded in agreement. Apparently the pain in her foot was forgotten, or maybe there wasnt even pain in the first place.

I had dyed my hair jet-black, even blacker than before. Now it was as black as night. I also added electric-blue to the tips of my hair and the front of my bangs. I looked awesome, if i must comment on myself.

"And your clothes, omigosh, they compliment your hair so nicely!" Avani turned me around so she could examine my back. "Its perfect."

I was wearing a black half-sleeve shirt with electric-blue linings and jet-black pants with short black boots. Black was my favorite color but i usually didnt wear it much. Also i had changed my yellow backpack for a bigger, neon blue one.

"We better get going, or we'd be late!" Nerina shoved us off my porch and hurried us to school.

I must've looked weird to the other people. But to be honest i enjoyed it. There were too many plain boring people in the world. Weird meant you got noticed. Its time to release my inner weird.

School went by quickly. I think a few more people knew I existed. I got the feeling that I was being watched, but it wasnt Mikenzy. She was sick with the stomach flu. Poor poor Mikenzy. Note the sarcasm.

I had successfully packed all our DrugCraft stuff into a few chests which we could all carry in our inventory, and the remaining sugarcane were all sold and the money distributed evenly between us.

We went back home and i rushed upstairs. I think i'll keep my hair like this for a little while longer. I opened my closet and rearranged it so all the black and neon blue colors were up front.

I switched on my laptop and flopped onto my bed. Avani was on, and Nerina was in the shower.

~In Minecraft~

[Ender_Slayer joined the party]

"Great," I rubbed my hands together. We were currenly camping in a snow biome and growing cocoa beans. We were searching for Deadlox and so far we havent gotten any clues.

[Ocean_Rush joined the party]

"Hello Nerina," Avani said in the chat. "Lets move camp, shall we?"

I nodded and started throwing our stuff into a chest. Nerina got the extra cocoa beans and teleported back to spawn so she could sell them. Avani went in search of lava to throw in our extra stuff.

[Ethian_Love123 tried to swim in lava]

WAIT WHAT, how did Avani just die??

"Hey I'm sorry but i got caught and now im in jail," Nerina told me via chat. What the hell is wrong with us? We'd never died or gotten caught before.

I sat down and sighed. I got out a chicken leg and bit into it. Night was falling, but forunately i always leave the redstone traps until the last moment, and we still have the torches all around.

The moon rose above my head. Owls hooted in the forest, and i fed more wood to the fire.

The light flickered. I glanced around. There wasnt any wind. The lights flickered again and everything went dark for a second.

When the lights came back on i nearly fell of the log i was sitting on. There was something caught in one of my traps. It made no sound, so i picked up one of my iron swords and approached carefully. I shined a torch in its face.

It was a boy, but with black ender dragon wings and ender dragon tail. I dropped my sword.



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